Example sentences of "[prep] [art] more [adj] [noun pl] of " in BNC.

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1 Prose serves for day-to-day communication , but not for the more sacred things of life .
2 An escape from these adverse educational conditions for the more affluent sections of black society is to send their children to the growing number of private schools , mainly in urban and suburban areas .
3 Amidst all the conservative demands for legislative restrictions on what the agency might support , President Bush selected Frohnmayer as the new NEA chairman to replace the Reagan-appointee Frank Hodsoll , who had wisely departed some months earlier for the more peaceful climes of a top job at the Office of Management and Budget , the White House department concerned with enforcing its fiscal policies on an often recalcitrant federal establishment .
4 ‘ Teaching offers an escape route for the more fortunate members of the working classes . ’
5 Nor were the levels of resources available enough to pay for the increased skills needed for the more complex requirements of local administration .
6 Much the same range of locations seems to prevail for the more romanized forms of housing .
7 Narin ( 1976 ) concurs with these views , finding that there are ‘ distinct limitations when one attempts to use it [ SCI ] for the more specialised literatures of the smaller countries ’ .
8 ‘ Almost as decadent as the new Mrs Guy Sterne , ’ Guy drawled teasingly , ‘ whose boundless enthusiasm for creative design in her new role as director of Chester 's Mother and Child subsidiary is exceeded only by her boundless enthusiasm for the more physical aspects of her new role as the new Mrs Guy Sterne … ouch ! ’
9 ‘ I had thought that the 1950s was a fairly stagnant , dull time which I could use as a sort of launch pad for the more interesting periods of post-Independence history .
10 The appropriate data , which are summarised in Table 1 , provide the basis for the more detailed considerations of mechanical properties , oxygen permeability and surface properties , oxygen permeability and surface properties that are essential for the successful design of new materials .
11 This is as true for attempts to change the nature of the management process itself as it is for the more obvious areas of change management .
12 It was the daily port-of-call for the more active supporters of the strike … and an early morning starting point for the pickets .
13 We judged that Stirling would need the wider bandwidth of 10 Mbps for the more sophisticated applications of the 90s .
14 This procedure is normally reserved for the more important examples of delegated legislation , particularly those with financial implications ( in which case , the affirmation of the House of Commons will be sought ) .
15 These give a completely new perspective on the whole move into three dimensions and provide an interesting context for the more celebrated experiments of innovators like Tatlin , Rodchenko and Gabo .
16 During the more prosperous years of World War II , the Board of Trade reported an unsatisfied demand for shoes , which it explained by referring to a backlog of demand created by the inability of families to buy them during the 1930s .
17 Consequence : The odd success as the more sensible reforms of the 1970s take root , but nothing sufficient to arrest the gradual listing of the economy ; continued demoralisation of the workforce , but little threat to stability as élite maintains its cohesion against society ; however , minority factions in élite becoming more forceful in demanding strategy versus drift .
18 Because of the ways in which the changes wrought by urbanization have worked their way through the village community the contrast between the more affluent life-styles of the newcomers and the poorer living standards of local farm workers have not therefore resulted in greater conflict between farmers and their employees .
19 An innovative attempt to distinguish between the more objectionable forms of cheque-book journalism and the literature which makes a significant contribution to the culture or contributes to the prevention of crime or the rehabilitation of offenders is being made in Victoria , Australia , where the Crimes ( Confiscation of Profits ) Amendment Act 1991 ( Vic. ) , although expanding the concept of ‘ benefit ’ to include the profits of criminal expression , will provide a court with discretion to decide whether or not to treat the profits as a ‘ benefit ’ for the purposes of the Act .
20 In a long poem we expect to find breathing-spaces interspersed between the more important sections of the poem ; in The Prelude the real matter is the philosophy , and the narrative passages , as can be clearly seen here , are illustrations of it .
21 Although his death allegedly prevented the Duke of Northumberland from founding an anti-alien party , there were distinct links between the more extreme fringes of the Die-hard revolt and the emergence of British fascism .
22 While uneasy about the more dubious aspects of the Treaty , I had hoped that the miserable imprisonment of zoo animals and the wretched conditions of livestock ( particularly live exports ) would be things of the past once the Treaty was ratified .
23 Lying about my family 's social status came easily enough , but there was nothing I could do about the more visible signs of poverty .
24 Helen is not interested in making lists about her life , preferring to talk about the more immediate experiences of her recent holiday and birthday .
25 [ P. 392 ] Formen contains many of the elements of Marx 's evolutionary theory concerning pre-capitalist systems , and it also contains much about the more immediate origins of capitalism .
26 She will make an excellent Lady Mayoress and will keep calm through the more turbulent moments of being Chair of this Council .
27 Other decisions which are said to be examples of the substantive meaning of unreasonable could equally be resolved through the more traditional conceptions of purpose and relevancy .
28 Bewick 's engraving and printing of the ‘ Fables ’ ensured a mass audience already visually primed to animal illustration in graphic style not only through classificatory catalogues but also through the more inventive mediums of children 's literature illustrations and satirical cartoons in 19th century media publications .
29 At least the wind , which hampered progress through the more open parts of the course , had died down .
30 After the more spartan conditions of the past two months , it seemed the height of luxury .
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