Example sentences of "[prep] [art] very high [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The way that the WO population projections are undertaken means that patterns of recent behaviour ( such as the very high levels of in-migration experienced in the mid/late 1980s ) are projected forward without question .
2 We found that the length of time transported chickens spent in this catatonic state matched that which researchers elsewhere have shown to be typical of the very highest levels of fear .
3 Over the summer certification period the turnaround on RETs may increase by a week or so because of the very high numbers of candidates seeking certification .
4 It is difficult to believe that many of the prestige projects discussed in Chapter 8 would have been contemplated in the absence of the very high volumes of aid reaching countries for other , more mundane , purposes .
5 Eighteenth-century trumpet parts were written very high because of the impossibility of obtaining scale-wise passages on the natural instrument except amongst the very high harmonics of the series .
6 Mason Pearson 's unsurpassed reputation for true value combined with the very highest standards in hair care now spans a whole century .
7 Yet the strongest opposition to the treaty came from the very highest ranks of English society : from the Lord Edward , and from Simon de Montfort and his wife Eleanor .
8 In particular , the image of Germany epitomised by her most famous export , the Mercedes , as a country which is well built , reliable , and which performs well , should not blind us to the fact that the history of the Federal Republic has been a history of scandals , which have reached to the very highest echelons of power .
9 For most of the period up to the beginning of the Second World War , labour was plentiful and unemployment rates varied from moderate to the very high rates of the depression .
10 This column is genuinely not written with a sense of criticism , but I believe it does demonstrate one of the problems that is at the very heart of British tennis — lack of a sense of vision , a sense of belief and a passionate desire to achieve at the very highest echelons of the world game and not to be content to make a comfortable living in a relatively small pond .
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