Example sentences of "[prep] [art] first world [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 During the First World War a box of matches cost 1d and a matchbox grip 4d : a price just substantial enough to warrant a ‘ Thank you ’ when given free to a pub or grocer 's store customer , and just substantial enough to make money for a stationer or the many charities which sold them .
2 During the First World War a number of Ministries set up regional offices and the newly created Ministry of Health set up nine regions — an experiment to be rudely terminated in 1921 as an economy measure .
3 During the First World War the little colony of gifted foreigners in Montparnasse and French artists unfit for military service was increasingly shunned by the rest of society at a time when xenophobia was rife and contempt for any man out of uniform was universal .
4 During the First World War the red cars of the Corporation were seen more regularly at Squires Gate , where there was a military camp .
5 From then until the suspension of elections during the first world war the Labour Party ( as it now was ) and Municipal Alliance fought with roughly equal strength for municipal control , and indirectly for parliamentary seats , although for most of the time the Alliance retained power .
6 The Damianis had bought the decrepit domed buildings from the Jaffa municipality and for several decades after the First World War the name of Damiani was proudly displayed in English and Arabic over the vaulted gateway where Turkish pashas once administered the law .
7 Shortly after the First World War the firm had occasion to make a loan of £27,000 — for the crew of a cruiser that sailed into Portsmouth Harbour with paying-off pennant flying , only to find that someone had forgotten to order the cash .
8 From the end of the First World War a body claiming to be the Korean government in exile functioned at Shanghai and afterwards , during the Sino-Japanese War of 1937–45 , at Chungking .
9 By the time of the First World War the company had taken over more than 50 small companies , as well as the docks at Hull ( q.v. ) , and its chief locomotive and wagon works at Doncaster employed nearly 5,000 people .
10 At the time of the First World War the Shorthorn was described as the most widely distributed of all the breeds of cattle , both at home and abroad , and it far exceeded other purebreds in Britain while the great majority of commercial crossbreds also relied on Shorthorn blood .
11 In the period between its formation and the outbreak of the first world war the party made limited progress .
12 Until the end of the First World War the North East experienced massive population growth through immigration .
13 Up till the outbreak of the First World War the needs of the industrial world could still be met almost entirely from alluvial deposits .
14 In bald form , Middlemas argues that around the time of the First World War the nineteenth-century British political system had broken down under the weight of the antagonism and conflicts in industrial society .
15 Nor can any general law of ‘ radicalisation as a result of mobilisation ’ be regarded as valid solely on the basis of the war 's impact : we may recall that at the end of the First World War the electorate voted for a substantially Conservative Parliament , albeit under the leadership of Lloyd George , the wartime Prime Minister .
16 Twenty-one years after the end of the First World War the British people were subjected to a second war , which , while it produced only half as many British military casualties as the first , struck more radically at the lives of ordinary civilians .
17 Before the First World War the impact of the new colonial governments on this pattern of agriculture was extremely limited .
18 Set in Austria just before the First World War the play revolves around Josephea , proprietress of the inn ; Leopold , the head waiter ; several well-to-do local businessmen and the Emperor of Austria who comes to stay at the Inn at the start of the shooting season .
19 In the First World War the shop remained open throughout , but the stock and premises were confiscated during the German occupation of Paris in 1940 .
20 In the years leading up to the First World War the Hooligan embarked on a remarkable career , appearing in name if not in person before numerous governmental and semi-official bodies of enquiry .
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