Example sentences of "[prep] [art] first [adj] [noun pl] or " in BNC.

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1 This is not likely to be a significant item for the first five years or so , and we would of course have to give priority to selling our own unsold units first .
2 For the first fifteen years or so of its existence , little was published in the way of critical assessment of the Urban Programme .
3 For the first twenty minutes or so of motoring , I can not say I was seized by any excitement or anticipation at all .
4 Once I know how fast my ‘ feeder is emptying , or have made it empty at the pace I require , I cast very frequently for the first twenty minutes or so — as fast as the emptying of the ‘ feeder will allow — and then slow down only just enough to keep a steady trickle of feed through the swim .
5 A sympathetic doctor may help and so will friends and family ready to give support and put up with unreasonable behaviour for the first few weeks or more .
6 For the first three weeks or so , I wo n't be on The Word much , ’ Mark explains , casually kicking his feet up on to his agent 's gleaming mahogany desk .
7 The experiment with actinomycin suggests that for the first 3 hours or so LTP does not depend on gene transcription .
8 Breast milk , the best milk for such babies or for those who have had to undergo an operation during the first few days or weeks of life , is collected from mothers of healthy babies who have more than enough to satisfy their needs .
9 There are various clinics and self-help groups to support and encourage those wanting to kick the habit ; but a lot of determination will be needed to get through the first difficult weeks or months .
10 After all , Mr Grey observed , ‘ after the first 10 days or so of the academic year we regard it as all over .
11 Piper may be articulate and polite , but he is genuinely tough and a real threat to Benn — who I believe must get through to him in the first six rounds or face disaster .
12 Well I think I would wait Stefan until the oily film had gone off the top of the water for tender plants but then I am one of these people that would always tender plants with tap water anyway because you never know what 's in do you in rain water , anything can congregate in a pot , it can be infected with all sorts of things and I would just use this water on the garden in the first twelve months or so or use it on shrubs and things like that if it was required and then go on to er things like perennials but then you could use it on almost anything but with the proviso that you may have contamination in that water if it 's from Water Board .
13 These divisions establish themselves in the first five years or so of our lives .
14 This morning it was starts from the state boat ; many a race has been won in the first hundred yards or so , and Oxford , as always , are coached and prepared for everything .
15 Either through this , or through their exercise of coercive powers , the great landed nobility were able to minimize damage to their incomes in the first twenty years or so after the first onset of the plague .
16 CAPTAIN Will Carling last night told England to sing up and play up in the first 20 minutes or risk Naas Botha wrecking their hopes of winning today 's historic international at Twickenham .
17 Many children develop allergies in the first few weeks or months of life , and often these improve as the years go by .
18 It does n't supersede that in any way , and obviously if people do run into problems I mean normally a major problem in the first three months or three thousand miles is taken back to the dealer anyway .
19 This should be required reading for all tourists to Kenya — though they would need no coercion beyond the first thirty pages or so .
20 Some Age Concern groups , social services departments and other organisations run a variety of hospital discharge schemes which can help people over the first few days or weeks after a stay in hospital .
21 On the first few dates or longer , some young couples are too embarrassed to talk about it , let alone go and do anything about it , and girls do n't want to be seen as anticipating sex and run the risk of being labelled as slags .
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