Example sentences of "[prep] [art] first [adj] years [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although those who studied at Kiev University ( Vil'na 's successor ) had to know enough Russian to understand lectures , they constituted the majority of the new university 's students for the first thirty years of its life and did not need Russian to consort with their peers .
2 She was one of two Stewart monarchs who had this experience , the other being James I ( 1406–37 ) , who was an English prisoner for the first eighteen years of his reign .
3 For the first five years of Israel 's existence the Soviet Union likewise took a non-committal stance between Israel and its neighbours .
4 For the first five years of occupation the PLO , too , feared that it would lose its modest foothold in the territories .
5 Their heyday lasted for the first five years of the Eighties , when they scored the incredible total of 20 consecutive Top 20 hits .
6 In addition to having worked in Germany and the USSR , and lived for some time before the war in France , I was brought up for the first five years of my life in India in a native state where I was the only white child .
7 For the first five years of cash planning the Treasury put a ‘ pay factor ’ in its cash target .
8 And for the first five years of my life , I just led a very lonely life with only the my grandmother and my parents and the farm men .
9 Does the following sound an impossible target for the first five years of our society , that we might have a BCR day ( week ? ) on another railway , hiring one of its locomotives and some of its stock , but running good old BCR style mixed trains including at least one goods truck owned and restored by us and painted in BCR livery ?
10 To ask the Secretary of State for Defence if he will give the total estimated annual operating costs of Trident for the first five years of operation .
11 The " Paris Club " of industrialized creditor countries would write down rescheduled debt by two-thirds instead of one-third ; they would deal with the total debt of an eligible country in one operation instead of in one-year maturities ; interest payments would be capitalized for the first five years of rescheduling , with debt repayments linked to the debtor nation 's export capacity ; and the repayment period would be extended from 14 to 25 years .
12 For the first 77 years of its life , the company was based in Newcastle and established with great help from possibly the most famous Darlingtonian , Edward Pease .
13 Import substitution tended to close down markets in northern and western Europe , but for the first sixty years of the century southern Europe , especially Portugal , filled the gap and in itself provided a link between the old and new geographies of trade .
14 Mary of Guise had infinitely more ability and determination , but for the first twelve years of the minority she had no official role in government , and throughout the whole period her main interest lay in achieving a French marriage for her daughter , even if that meant doing little about the existence of Protestantism .
15 At least — ’ she gave a rueful laugh ‘ — she was for the first twelve years of her life .
16 For the first nineteen years of his reign persecution of the church was not his policy , and the church prospered in numbers .
17 For the first 10 years of its existence , AEA drove forward all aspects of nuclear power in the UK , including the development of weapons and the exploitation of radioisotopes .
18 For the first 10 years of the Government , the cry that used to come from the Dispatch Box was that the economy was in a mess because of strikes by workers .
19 And so it went on for the first 14 years of their friendship .
20 Her mother had both children late in life , and was wonderful for the first six years of Jay 's life .
21 But Mr Dyke said the formula for the first two years of the new 10-year system had been agreed .
22 For the first two years of the First World War there was no conscription in Britain , but there was machinery to recruit volunteers .
23 Also at the LSE , Hella was guaranteed £60 a year for the first two years of her course by Professor Harold Laski , the brother of Elaine Blond 's first husband .
24 In December 1986 the permissible concentration of alcohol was set at zero for the first two years of driving .
25 Consequently , they are best advised at least for the first two years of recovery to concentrate primarily on just the one relevant Anonymous Fellowship .
26 The fourth key point was that for the first two years of the programme , between April 1989 and March 1991 , we committed a budget of £24 million to the programme .
27 The induction was particularly important as both trainees will be working away from Wood Group premises for the first two years with the Group .
28 Under one company scheme — which works on the basis that the employee moves into an area of higher cost housing but into a similar property — the company pays half the additional mortgage cost for the first two years from the date of the move .
29 For the first two years in government we will concentrate resources on the essential tasks of combating unemployment and poverty …
30 We would increase the public sector borrowing requirement for the first two years before reducing it sharply for the rest of our term of office to balance the books over five years .
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