Example sentences of "[prep] [art] two [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Significant differences were found within each hemisphere for the two forms of the same word but an overall greater magnitude of response was recorded over the left hemisphere .
2 The Sarabande , ‘ very slow and stately ’ , for the two leaders of the taller girls with Poole and himself .
3 It would be sensible if we had a common system of training for the two sides of the profession ( apart from specialist subjects ) , so that the choice could be postponed until the last ; but this has not been done .
4 From his investigations into the divisions that the fighting produced within the village communities of Wiltshire , Somerset , and Devon , David Underdown concluded that ‘ the distribution of support for the two sides in the western counties shows how strongly Church and King were associated with the old festive culture ’ .
5 It was on the basis of the decision in those two cases that Mr. Isaacs for the two councils in the Stoke-on-Trent case [ 1991 ] Ch. 48 submitted that , following those decisions , it was no longer appropriate for the national courts to investigate any issue of proportionality , and that the Torfaen case ( Case 145/88 ) [ 1990 ] 2 Q.B .
6 Another enchanting piece in the same book , ‘ Chiome d'oro ’ , is described as a ‘ Canzonetta a due voci Concertata da duoi Violini Chitarone o Spinetta ’ ; the voices duet ( mostly in parallel thirds ) over an ostinato bass , each of their five strophes being introduced by one of three ritornelli for the two violini over the same ostinato .
7 Elizabeth and Helen moved into their own basement flat in an inner-city suburb in 1987. they are middle-aged and spent nearly thirty years together at the same mental handicap hospital but lived separately for the two years before the move into the community because Helen was transferred to a smaller institution .
8 However , there was concern for the two survivors aboard the lifeboat , who were severely seasick , and an attempt was made to land them at St Abbs .
9 For the two days of the show I cluck round them — soothing , calming , encouraging and reassuring .
10 Here is the general syllabus for the two levels of the course .
11 Even though the World Cup will swamp the domestic competition , the Shield will still continue to provide some of the most riveting cricket of the summer as these four highly-competitive sides battle for the two places in the five-day final .
12 But during the two years between the time when the book was first mooted and its publication in 1982 , the company had transformed itself and the book did not reflect the grander style of living which Laura was now espousing .
13 The teachers ' industrial action has limited this particular development , and the evaluators know of seven events which were either postponed or cancelled during the two years of the evaluation ; it is also probably the case that attendance at those events that did run was less than it would have been in happier times .
14 During the two years of the Broadway production , there had been frequent changes of cast , but backstage staff at the Prince of Wales Theatre talked of a growing gap in the working relationship between Crawford and Cuka , and the management eventually admitted there had been a ‘ personality conflict ’ .
15 During the two years from the end of 1976 to the end of 1978 , Deng became an increasingly popular candidate for Party leadership as support for Hua Guofeng evaporated .
16 All subjects were asked not to take any drug during the two days before the study .
17 He was said to have sniffed glue during the two days before the attack at a shop in Bath .
18 During the two months of the rainy season , they may do so every day .
19 During the two centuries before the Turkish invasions the territory of present-day Montenegro comprised the Serbian principality of Zeta .
20 Many of the rituals and formalities of diplomacy changed only slowly , sometimes hardly at all , during the two centuries before the French revolution .
21 As the two sections of the bridge rose majestically into the air somehow it felt as if he had arranged it especially for her .
22 Before it could be used in a differential drill , however , it must have been thoroughly mastered as a separate substitution drill and trouble spots such as the two positions of the negative must be fully controlled .
23 NOTE — no such ‘ topping up ’ can be accepted under the 4* and 5* policies as the two categories within the contents section are mutually exclusive .
24 Mrs. Bidwell arrived at the door as the two attendants from the mortuary van were carrying out the body .
25 The use of the term in Editor 's Choice includes case reports , such as the two lessons of the week , one of which describes no fewer than 36 patients .
26 Sandwich the top of the lining between the two layers of the tape , turning the ends over twice to bring them level with the sides of the lining ( fig. 27 ) .
27 Paul Mies , in an article of 1958 , similarly ascribed the differences between the two signs to the Schreibfaktor ( ‘ writing factor ’ ) .
28 Although there may be some ‘ suspicion and distrust ’ between the two sections of the professional-managerial class , the Ehrenreichs stress that the division should not be exaggerated .
29 Quite quickly the contact between the two sections of the rural population can become limited to the activity of a few ‘ go-betweens ’ , whose employment requires them to relate to both sides .
30 However , they felt that this did not grasp the nettle of community division and conflict between the two sections of the working class .
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