Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [num ord] few [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Just for the first few seconds she was back in the days after Hugh 's desertion .
2 Certainly Jenny did not see him for the first few evenings she was at Moorlake .
3 For the first few days we kept the family shut into the cow-shed , to protect them from the cats ; but I really think that if any cat had had the temerity to put in an attack , the hen would have chased it half-way to Gloucester .
4 For the first few days they were all a bit subdued , ’ Bob said .
5 Well for the first few days I found enough energy to take an occasional dip in the pool and play a leisurely game of bowls .
6 The teachers were very helpful and caring , and for the first few days I thought I was getting on quite well with my new classmates .
7 For the first few weeks I was seldom off the toilet bowl myself .
8 For the first few weeks I enjoyed being able to go out at the weekends , to buy trendy clothes and other things that I did not really need or appreciate .
9 For the first few years they were happy together .
10 For the first few years I rested my chin on the concrete wall separating the spectators from the players and saw many wondrous things .
11 For the first few years I romped to cover up the new loneliness .
12 I was never out of that for the first few years I was saved , I was always getting in there , confessing my sins .
13 For the first few months they earned only a few pennies a week between them and Sal became convinced they would all end up in the workhouse if they kept failing to cough up the rent .
14 For the first few months I was just having it now and again and then I was having a bit more .
15 Yes , oh Rocket , for the first few months I had him , after he was rescued , and he was so protective of me , because I 'd given him a good home and never , never hit him in the face .
16 For the first few months she trembled at the thought of performing an official engagement on her own .
17 For the last few hours he had been thinking about James and Kate and the rest of the Mollands , the Salpertons and the Redburns ; and it would not have shocked him if any or all of them who were still alive had turned up unannounced at Number 29 .
18 Until the recent arrival of Joanna Lumley , the only thing Lovejoy was likely to leap into was his open-topped Morris Minor , but for the last few episodes he 's been gleefully doing more bedding than bidding .
19 It was near the end of August , and for the last few days it had been like high summer .
20 For the last few days she had seen them , not as her parents but as two hating individuals carrying on a private war behind screens .
21 For the last few months I 've really been feeling together , an integrated personality for the first time since my breakdown .
22 For the last few years we have been seriously handicapped by the fact that our second team have been unable to compete regularly against quality opposition .
23 For the last few years they had only discussed their respective businesses and he had listened to his father 's bitter complaints about hunt saboteurs .
24 For the last few years it was held up by 20 players of outstanding international standard and we did not realise that technically we were dying ’ .
25 For the last few years I have sat on the sidelines watching bolt-protected climbing mushrooming throughout the USA , Europe and , not least , Britain : in quarries , but also , let's be completely truthful , on natural crags .
26 But it turned out to be an endless task and , as a result , for the last few years I 've been learning phrasings from all kinds of foreign instruments .
27 Every August or early September for the last few years I have been lucky enough to receive a present of ripe mulberries from a magnificent old tree in the garden of Rainham Hall in Essex .
28 For the next few minutes I had to put up with Sid 's reminiscences about how much worse it had been during the campaign in North Africa .
29 For the next few hours they went among the high street shops , first searching through the shelves of Joseph Toms , Toys and Fancy Goods , for novelties , then looking among the tiny cupboards of Charles Weaver , Apothecary , sampling the sweet-tasting , harmless powders on their fingers and mixing the brightly-coloured liquids in beakers .
30 For the next few days we made love with a kindliness and consideration we had never experienced before .
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