Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [num ord] [adj] [noun] but " in BNC.

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1 She did five episodes a week for the first two years but then began to ease up after her record career began to take off .
2 Three or more miners were to he supplied and paid " from time to time " for the first three months but after this duration six able bodied miners were to he provided .
3 Morley Street carried off the Aintree Hurdle for the third successive year but was far from convincing in holding off Minorettes Girl .
4 The finals — which begin at 1pm — are likely to be a sell-out for the third successive year but tickets can be obtained from the Scottish Volleyball Association offices in Edinburgh or from Meadowbank on the day .
5 Northamptonshire has been under Conservative control for the last eight years but it 's still tight .
6 Investors have been expecting its publication for the last two weeks but are fearful it will be kept back for the week when Parliament goes into the Christmas recess .
7 Now Paul this is what I 've found out since you see , Paul erm said to them , Why suddenly this ? and he says , Oh we 've actually had them printed for the last two years but we 've never had the time to give them out .
8 Now aged 38 , Harwood has been making things , perfecting techniques and designing for the last twenty years but is barely known outside a small group of cognoscenti .
9 I will be on location for the next two weeks but will be in touch with you shortly afterwards to arrange a meeting — preferably in London — during July .
10 And they could have continued to pay £1 a year for the next 21 years but it is claimed that they failed to act in time .
11 Success followed success for the next few years but no races were held in 1888 and 1890 and the revival in 1891 was the beginning of another era with new builders entering the field although Lee 's still took an interest in events for in 1900 their steamboat " Lee " dressed overall took 80 members of the firm to see the Medway Barge Race .
12 It is not known whether or not he ever returned to visit his mother during the first few years but it is certainly true that , latterly , he was not back in the county for many years .
13 They were not only revived from time to time in Venice during the next twenty years but performed in a number of other Italian cities .
14 ‘ She had been depressed during the last 18 months but I thought she was getting better .
15 I have meant to write to you a hundred times during the last three weeks but at all hours of the day I have been busied with teaching and beating and supervising footballings until when at last after all the animals were caged up and I at last had some peace , I have been too sad & too weary to write anything .
16 The in-betweens , a group of five fields ( Cumberland , Durham , Derbyshire , Lancashire — or Northwest — and Northumberland ) which provided the 55 per cent vote at each of the first two ballots but on average produced only 42 per cent support for the strike call across the other four .
17 He led for most of the first 60 laps but was forced to make a tyre change .
18 True , he was a vital part of the 2nd Div side but then so were a lot of players who really were n't up to it when it came to Div I. It was , as Wilko realised a totally different ball-game .
19 Angered by suggestions that his conduct was inexplicable and that he had not offered any constructive criticism during a 3½ hour inquest into Yorkshire 's dismal summer , Boycott claimed that the cricket sub-committee would not accept any form of responsibility : ‘ They have been in charge for five of the last six years but will not agree that they are at least partly to blame for the fact that Yorkshire cricket is in a mess . ’
20 It 's unusual for Festival to extend an invitation to an artist to return for a second consecutive year but that is what 's to happen tonight and we make no apology for it .
21 The very sound of the body 's impact through the gravitational imperative is the abiding impression from the first four solos but in Single Space , caged within a six-foot open-backed box , Sander enters a new realm , imprisoned , but able to explore its every plane in a sequence of surrealistic space-contorting energies .
22 Now er we we already had a license for an earlier version of EARS which in er in fact was in Aled 's name from the last general election but one .
23 ‘ Live exports will not be resumed within the next few months but we have a case to present , we have started to put it forward and the European Commission is sympathetic . ’
24 The ladies ' K4 was significant not so much for the Germans and Hungarians in the first two places but for the Chinese who took the bronze , their first ever World medal .
25 A spokesman said the Longmont , Colorado-based firm ran in the black in the first two quarters but the colour turned blood red in the last half , particularly the third quarter .
26 Dickins had had nothing more than a back pass and a free-kick to deal with in the first 30 minutes but showed signs of nervousness when Bull challenged for a Birch free-kick .
27 The carpenter , the " " riche gnof " " , is mentioned in the first three lines but the narration moves swiftly on to the portrait of Nicholas .
28 ( 1988 ) estimate 17,000 additional fatal cancers in Europe in the next 50 years but highlight that the Chernobyl legacy adds an increment of only 0.01 per cent to European lifetime fatal cancer risk .
29 ‘ It is possible that a slow economic recovery and lower beef prices will coincide to increase consumption in the next few years but in the wake of consumer scares , such as BSE , the market needs a push .
30 He told us that he expected to be posted to the front at some time in the next few weeks but he would still be home by Christmas ; an officer had told him that the bloody Huns would have been sent packing long before then .
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