Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj -er] [noun pl] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Western reports ascribed the relatively light sentences for the better-known dissidents to a desire to maintain good relations with the United States and the European Communities following the relaxation of sanctions in late 1990 [ see pp. 37783 ; 37859 ] .
2 From the elegance of the slower pieces to the humour of Op. 3 No. 6 , he proves that Scriabin 's Mazurkas are worthy of the closest attention .
3 They imply also that the organization is prepared to make more mistakes , but to carry the consequences in view of the greater benefits to the organization as a whole from being action-oriented .
4 From its leafy canopy he could see right over the gardens and the wilderness of the lower grounds to the rows of cobbled streets on the far side of the beck wall .
5 Some of the earlier references to the area have confirmed that this was near the site of the 17th century Kings Forge , where iron produced in the Kings Furnace , a mile away , was refined .
6 And I made sure I blabbed a bit to her , even contradicting in inessential details some of the earlier relations to the Colonel , so that he might think he was getting better quality intelligence this way .
7 FitzGerald aims to make his St Leger runner-up one of the classier recruits to the jumping game next winter .
8 Perhaps two of the newer names to the racket market — in the UK at least — are Pro-Go and Citation .
9 Then it moved a great deal leftwards and left the hon. Gentleman looking quite bourgeois compared with some of the later entrants to the Labour party .
10 Despite the earlier campaigns to the Forth against the Britons , this further offensive and the resources which it required and continued to require while Mercian strength increased in southern England represented a serious dislocation of northern Anglian royal aspirations , especially at a time when Oswiu remained committed to the maintenance of his influence south of the Humber , at least in ecclesiastical affairs .
11 ‘ T is a mile or so outside the town , past the meaner suburbs to the east .
12 She remains asymptomatic from her bowel and a recent colonoscopy showed only four small polyps in the rectosigmoid region , with no further polyps to the caecum .
13 The first development , one we can already see , is resort by the contented in the larger cities to a laager mentality — the hiring of personal , neighbourhood or apartment security guards or the escape to presumptively safe suburbs .
14 He made several instruments for James I and Charles I , and clearly occupied a position equivalent to the later instrument-makers to the king .
15 In conformity with the conventional treatment , where the cross-section narrows from a church with a central nave and side aisles at the lower levels to a narrow , lofty nave only at upper levels , optimum use is made of this space by filling it with a single range of dwellings .
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