Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj -er] [noun pl] [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is clear to me that as this only affects a small proportion of the membership and there are good strategic reasons for the larger firms to back the proposal ( eg the demise of the smaller practice ) , unless general practitioners take action now they will only have themselves to blame when their incomes fall and the value of their practices diminishes .
2 The programme extends the company 's current vendor-recruitment efforts , and is designed to make it easy and profitable for the smaller vendors to support the HP-UX workstations .
3 Legitimised greed is widespread and the ambition of the bigger clubs to monopolise the most profitable sponsorships and TV deals is only the most visible evidence of a disease which permeates the game .
4 The word " experience " is used in some of the earlier cases to describe the necessary attribute of a valuer .
5 The question to whom the omelette and the statue belong is another matter , and Salmond pointed out that the attempts of the older lawyers to transplant the Roman law of specificatio , confusio and the like to our system are of small practical use at the present day .
6 Beneath the wheelbarrow , for example , it is more openly exposed and is combined with the darker greens to show the barrow 's shadow falling on the grass .
7 Every few minutes Jacques Devraux sent his trackers up the taller trees to scan the plain on the other side of the river , but each time they descended shaking their heads .
8 In his hands the concerto was over-dramatic , his tendency in the louder passages to attack the keys from some height with a hard pecking action , and to shorten the staccato and overdo the sforzandi , being foreign to Beethoven 's style .
9 There was a tendency for the patients in the bigger practices to have a lower random haemoglobin A 1 value ( analysis of variance , F =3.35 , df=2305 ; p=0.04 ) .
10 Special local/central government ‘ partnerships ’ were to be set up in the larger cities to supervise the implementation of programmes .
11 But here we could see for ourselves how timber-framed partition walls , filled in with brickwork , were used on the upper storeys over the larger rooms to ensure no weight pressed on their ceilings ; and how joiners had constructed the mahogany bookcases in the library .
12 They have not right to take and fund matters to the Higher Courts to review the decisions of the Government , the executive in other words , and they themselves have no idea how they 're meant to fulfil this role that the Government sees them as having .
13 Leaving Nada firmly in the wind vane 's control , and taking the binoculars with me , I climbed the ratlines to the lower spreaders to take a closer look .
14 It is possible to fit the dual circuit systems as used on later vehicles if you use the brake pipes as fitted to the later models to get the circuitry correct .
15 The initial proposal for transferring the religious to the larger houses to ensure a strengthened reformed monasticism was short-lived and the great houses began to surrender in 1537 , as an insurance policy against wholesale deprivation .
16 But over the eight drafts , what emerged was a particular vision of the whole penal system as almost a plot by the higher powers to perpetuate the whole system of crime , keep it rolling , keep criminals on the streets … ‘
17 Among those killed during the coup was Roger Lafontant , the former leader of the Tontons Macoutes , the private army used by the Duvalier regimes to terrorize the population , and sentenced to life imprisonment in July for his part in the January 1991 abortive coup [ see pp. 37955 ; 38332 ] .
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