Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj -er] [adj] [noun] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Regarding the management structures you have supplied , I suggest that for the smaller unitary authorities a second Assistant Director should be inserted in the proposed Planning Department structures .
2 During the later Middle Ages the turnover of names had been rapid , but afterwards an important group of middling farmers had put down roots in the parish and had given the community a sense of cohesiveness and continuity .
3 Japan and the United States agreed on June 4 , after some years of often acrimonious debate , to extend for a further five years the deal reached in 1986 on the easing of access to the Japanese market for US manufacturers of chips for use in computer assembly .
4 On Aug. 12 the UN Security Council decided to renew for a further 120 days the sanctions which had been imposed against Libya in April [ see p. 38883 ] .
5 Following a Security Council meeting of Dec. 9 , the UN extended for a further 120 days the application of limited sanctions against Libya , in force since April [ see p. 38839 ] .
6 Parliament voted on Jan. 17 to renew for a further six months the state of emergency first imposed under the Ian Smith regime in 1965 [ see p. 21092 ] and regularly renewed since then .
7 On March 18 the Lithuanian Supreme Council ( parliament ) extended for a further six months the direct rule imposed in September 1991 on the Vilnius and Salcininkai local regions [ see p. 38419 ] , and also voted to postpone fixing a date for elections to the local councils there .
8 It has extended for a further 20 years the terms of the Non-Fossil Fuel Obligation ( NFFO ) for renewable energy , originally scheduled to end in 1998 .
9 Sponsored by Wedgwood , Ray attended Staffordshire University for around nine hours each week and studied at home for a further 12 hours a week .
10 Bangladesh and India were to extend for a further three years the trade agreement due to expire in October 1992 , All-India Radio reported on Aug. 6 following talks in New Delhi .
11 In 1548 the Goldsmiths had calculated their liability at £103 17 8d ; in the event , they lost rentals worth £107 16 9d annually in 1550 , together with a further 8s 0d the following year .
12 In the richer agricultural regions the dues owed to the Grand Prince , or to lay and ecclesiastical landowners , gradually began to be converted from payment in kind to money rents .
13 Probably Poseidon was worshipped in three aspects , with roles in the heavens , on the earth and in the underworld , just as in the later Orphic literature the phases of the moon were viewed : ‘ When she is above the earth , she is Selene ; when within it , Artemis ; when below it , Persephone ’ ( Servius ad Verg .
14 In the larger American stations the women 's waiting-room sometimes had a ‘ matron ’ available to help women with their children or those fatigued by their journey .
15 In the narrower northern subregion the richest plant assemblies are dominated by dwarf shrubs , for example polar willows Salix polaris , the avens Dryas octopetala , D .
16 In Tervoort 's ( 1983 ) survey he discovered six of his responding countries had a signed spoken language form ( Finland , Ireland , Norway , Rumania , Sweden and the Soviet Union ) , but he also discovered in a further five countries an ‘ unofficial ’ system of signs structured to reflect the spoken language .
17 Both are a natural habitat for golf of indescribable beauty , and on the lower coastal levels the cliffs give way to duneland , transformed here and there into links so natural they might well be in Scotland .
18 At the lower flattened end the design is repeated but the cells are petal boss shaped .
19 At a higher social level the lives and fortunes of individuals continued to be bound up with the continental possessions .
20 The new agreement , due to expire in September 1992 , extended by a further two years the free trade which began with the suspension of ICO quotas [ see p. 36836 ] .
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