Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [num] [adj] [noun pl] the " in BNC.

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1 Thank you good morning ladies and gentlemen , turnover grew by five point five per cent during the twenty eight weeks the sixth of November to three hundred and twenty million there 's been no inflation in our selling prices so all of this growth is from increased volumes particularly in upholstery , beds , appliances and Pronto .
2 True democrats will easily be persuaded that in the absence of an absolute majority for either of the two big parties the pivotal role of a third party is inevitable and salutary .
3 To politicians of the two main parties the prospect of an indecisive election result is dire .
4 In the form here , the inner surfaces of the outer petals are the most perfect white , the whole of the three inner petals the same colour .
5 ‘ If you consider that out of the 1,800 listed companies the top 200 account for 85 per cent of the equity market by market capital , and that once you get to the next 100 companies like ourselves they already have comparatively few qualified people in the finance function , the addition of equally qualified internal audit people looks like overkill . ’
6 They want some of the seven million pounds the British taxpayer is putting into setaside to be spent on making farms a friendlier place for wildlife :
7 Of the 96 metropolitan départements the PS remained in the majority on 20 ( 26 in 1985 and 43 in 1979 ) .
8 And then it is over , the royal entourage sweeps out , the orchestra strikes up a medley from The Mikado , and beneath the six great chandeliers the room starts to buzz with congratulations .
9 Faced with the two conflicting bids the Department of Trade and Industry decided that the agreed merger between Imperial and UB should be referred to the Monopolies and Merger Commission ( MMC ) , as the combined company would hold over 40 per cent of the snack food market — this together with a similar share of the market held by Nabisco would create a duopolistic situation in the market .
10 In the five interesting events the detectors of UAI show a track in the central detector leading to a single cell in the electromagnetic calorimeter , which picks up a lot of energy .
11 Fifteen candidates secured 139,517 votes , four-fifths of them in Scotland , and in the four successful contests the official Labour candidates forfeited their deposits .
12 In the two smaller firms the distribution of types of clients in the sample is likely to be a fairly accurate reflection of the clients of the firm .
13 There 's 42 miles of railway track in the 15 square miles the base covers .
14 In the seven major countries the only periods of majority left governments between 1950 and 1973 were those of Wilson in the United Kingdom ( 1964–70 ) and Brandt in Germany ( 1970–3 ) , yet spending on welfare rose under Macmillan , Adenauer , de Gaulle , under both Nixon and Kennedy , as well as under a succession of Italian and to some extent even Japanese prime ministers of the right .
15 In the 36 gubernatorial contests the Democrats won 19 , the Republicans 14 and independents two .
16 Dr. David Spackman from Bloxham , who works in a surgery at Sibford Gower , was asked to go to Iraq to give medical attention to the thirty eight hostages the former prime minister brought home .
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