Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [num] [noun pl] [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 The Jews along with the Huguenots were welcomed with open arms by Friedrich Wilhelm after the Thirty Years War in the hope of achieving rapid economic growth on the cinders of destruction .
2 For nearly a century and a half after the end of the Thirty Years War in 1648 there was a tendency for the ratio of casualties to total numbers engaged in West European wars to fall and for that of prisoners to dead and wounded to rise .
3 When Edward III wished to offer an especially lavish girt of twelve table vessels of pure gold , a great cup and ewer , twenty-four spoons , and forks ‘ on which to hold meat ’ to Pope Benedict XII on the eve of the Hundred Years War in 1337 , his agent still bought them in Paris .
4 The Bank has been fortunate in that during this time we have been associated with a Grand Slam in 1984 and a share of the Five Nations Championship in 1986 .
5 Every invasion attempt so far had foundered on France 's naval weakness , but after the end of the Seven Years War in 1763 de Choiseul had put in hand a whole series of reforms .
6 The British navy which had 76,000 sailors at the end of the Seven Years War in 1763 , for example , had only 17,500 in the following year .
7 Especially from the Seven Years War in 1757 , the wars in which Britain was involved may have been European and dynastic in origin , but so far as her struggle with France was concerned , they were global in breadth .
8 BROUGH PARK is buzzing about the trial time of newcomer Jerpoint Randy , which went round the 500 metres trip in 30.44 secs .
9 Christie , who stormed to the 100 metres title in 9.96 seconds , was even quicker to condemn the authorities for allowing the drugs saga to reach the Olympics .
10 On April 30 the Japanese and South Korean Foreign Ministers held talks in Seoul at which it was agreed to relax restrictions currently applied to the 680,000 Koreans resident in Japan , many of whom were descendants of the 2,500,000 Koreans transported by the Japanese colonial administration for use as forced labour .
11 Controversial American sprinter Butch Reynolds marked his return to championship racing following the end of his drugs ban by powering to the 400 metres crown in a new championship record 45.26secs .
12 Ask her to meet Sir John and me at the Three Cranes tavern in Cheapside .
13 Staff at the Three Choirs Vineyard in Gloucestershire are looking forward to an excellent harvest this year .
14 There are detailed provisions which , following the precedent set by the 1985 Companies Act in the same context , attribute voting rights held by one person to another .
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