Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [det] years [adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 That was , that was what the crew were getting four pound a week and course my father that time he done away with a cabin boy so I had to do more or less two jobs , see if I were n't working on deck I 'd go down and clean the cabins and that 's how , that 's how we kept the money going course then after a few years when they got to the finish about nineteen thirty one then the harbourmaster turned round and he ruc reduced our wages five shillings a week , so we were getting three pound fifteen a week .
2 ‘ Even if he only lived here for a few years when he was small , I wanted him to know something of his roots , to be aware of his background . ’
3 Payments terminated on 31 May 1753 , but evidently no ill feeling marred the end of Miller 's contract as a few years later he dedicated to the Duke the beautiful Figures of Plants ( 2 vols. ) which had been published in parts from 1755–60 .
4 Modigliani saw the potential of the boy , who ironically became Beatrice 's lover within a few years when he was 18 and she was over 40 .
5 Until a few years ago it was possible to stand on the incline , particularly in summer , without becoming the least aware that here once stood one of the most complex and sophisticated pieces of apparatus ever constructed on English canals , and the idea of two narrow boats going up while another pair came down would have been quite beyond belief .
6 Until a few years ago it had been clear that the courts would be prepared in such situations to exhibit a marked degree of ‘ tenderness ’ towards wives in such cases , greater tenderness in fact than would be applied to any other third party surety .
7 ‘ But until a few years ago you were chairman , Mr Glastonbury . ’
8 I can just imagine what it 's gon na look like in a few years when it gets
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