Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [det] time [pers pn] [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 For at about the same time I was approached by the secretary of Edinburgh 's New Club which as a member of Brooks 's Club in London I was entitled to use on a reciprocal basis , and which I did use for lunch perhaps a dozen times a year .
2 About the same time it was recommended that the church at Seagoe should be removed to Edenderry for the greater convenience of the parishioners , a suggestion not implemented .
3 A series of very guarded letters written in July and August 1559 between them and Elizabeth 's leading minister , William Cecil , shows that they were contemplating at the very least an outright challenge to the regent 's authority — a bold enough but not actually unprecedented step — but possibly something more , and infinitely more sensational , the deposition of the queen herself ; and at the same time they were proposing a dramatic reversal of foreign relations , in which Scottish friendship would certainly be switched from her traditional ally France to her traditional enemy England , and that even closer ties between Scotland and England might be envisaged .
4 They felt they were working hard enough to make their hearts stronger and at the same time they were stretching their bodies sufficiently to reach their deeper muscles .
5 At the same time they were given standard L.C.C .
6 At the same time they were consistent with a Clapham-style leadership .
7 To say they were worshipped would be overstating the case but , as in so many cultures where people are dependent on an animal for existence ( the Plains Indian and the buffalo , for example ) , the forerunners of the modern Koi were respected at the same time they were exploited .
8 Servants too ought to be diligent and refrain from gaming and other dissolute pursuits , although at the same time they were fully entitled to ‘ competent wages and clothing with trew payments of the same ’ .
9 In 1806 he designed the hotel and assembly rooms in the suburb of Clifton , which the firm contracted to build ; but at the same time they were speculating by buying unfinished houses in Clifton which they completed and sold , and in 1809 they were overtaken by bankruptcy .
10 Members of the Soviet government ( the Council of Ministers ) were essentially administrative heads of ministries , but at the same time they were party members , and a few of them may even have been members of the Politburo .
11 Of course , the houses were built out of necessity , but at the same time they were inevitably a speculation .
12 At the same time we were organising meeting 's to tell local people about it and to get there views and to make it clear again that we were , you know , we were in a position where we were being forced to do something by this legislation that we did n't want to do and we wanted just , the alternative was if we had set a rent rise , which have been dramatically higher , I mean the four pounds , twenty five rent rise that we eventually had to agree to was higher than what the Council wanted to put the rent 's up by , you would think well the Council put the rent 's up by four pounds , twenty five , erm , and you know , that , that 's why the Council does that sort of thing but it 's us that gets involved in that kind of work , producing information and developing responses and then the secon d major area is what I 've just labelled a strategic policy development , and that mainly erm put policies that are like a rise within the Council rather than things that come from outside , like for example , because were the kind of Council we , we are , there was a debate amongst officer 's and member 's to develop an anti poll strategy and two hundred and eight thousand pounds was found to be linked to that strategy and erm , as that 's enabled various initiative 's to get under , under schemes , crashes for children in the town , stuff like that , er and also , erm to provide an overall policy frame work for other Council department 's .
13 At the same time it was introduced into therapy in West Germany as Ciprobay and was subsequently launched in the US under the name Cipro .
14 At the same time it was made illegal for anyone who was not fully medically qualified and registered to treat these diseases .
15 Increased immigration militated against the absorption of new arrivals in existing Shetlander networks ; while at the same time it was accompanied by the creation of new networks composed of incomers -incomers found shared interests in what they saw as a frontier zone .
16 After the fight with the beggars he had left the sack with Allen and Marian because it had seemed to him an ingenious way of saving himself the trouble of carrying it to Simon 's hut and back again while at the same time it was a guarantee that the children would remain until he returned .
17 At the same time it was widely known that unemployment relief , while inadequate , could only be paid at all as a result of direct subsidy from the Reich .
18 At the same time it was expected that accompanying memoirs would be published explaining in detail the geology shown on the maps .
19 At the same time it was decided that single deck bus services would be numbered in the 200s ( Route 109 at Penge became 227 ) and trolleybus routes would be numbered in the 600s .
20 At the same time it was agreed that we should call the divinity school by the name ‘ College of Holy Cross ’ , which would give it added dignity and incentive .
21 ‘ There was plenty of flak over the target area , and I kept looking at my useless chute , yet at the same time it was treated as a huge joke by us all , with the rest of the crew saying that no way was I going down with any of them if need be !
22 At the same time it was essential to maintain the goodwill of enthusiasts whose voluntary support they intended to use .
23 The company has been preparing to go public , a process the suit could have adversely affected , while at the same time it was believed to be object of some takeover desires by Unix System Laboratories ( UX No 396 ) .
24 At the same time it was doubtless the case that by-employments , which were probably the rule rather than the exception , were decisive in bringing the level of wealth in districts unfavourable to husbandry more or less into line with that of the more eligible farming regions .
25 At the same time it was necessary to speculate as to how transient changes in neurotransmitters such as serotonin , or the flow of calcium ions across the synaptic membrane , might in turn trigger the specific synthesis of the new proteins that long-term memory demanded .
26 At the same time it was made clear that British foreign policy was not going to be dictated by the whims of one small country .
27 At the same time it was decided to go ahead with a new 14,000 square foot facility in the Dubai Free Zone of Jebel Ali .
28 At the same time it was announced Leckpatick chief executive Malcolm Woods had resigned to take up a new position as managing director of John Kelly , Belfast .
29 At the same time it was agreed to limit total output to 22,491,000 bpd , a modest increase on the previous ceiling of 22,086,000 bpd .
30 At the same time it was reported that the ECOWAS committee was planning to impose an economic embargo on areas of Liberia controlled by Taylor 's forces unless the NPFL acted in line with the Geneva agreement .
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