Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [det] time [pron] need " in BNC.

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1 At the same time they need to give due attention to this kind of balance between different aims and purposes , in this case between the claims of an English tradition and of multi-cultural education .
2 We shall not be satisfied with a theory which does less than justice to the biblical view of the nature of man , but at the same time we need to be sure that we really have grasped the biblical view , and not just read our own ideas into it .
3 At the same time we need increasing numbers of civil servants and local government officials to administer the services and social science research workers continually to investigate needs and assess the provision .
4 At the same time we need to remember that interventions , particularly those aimed at minimising hyperglycaemia , can themselves impair the quality of life .
5 CPRW has its feet firmly on the ground , but at the same time we need a ‘ sustainable ’ view that is far-sighted , since decisions taken today will have repercussions for good or ill in the years ahead .
6 At the same time we need to recognize that machine-readable data created elsewhere will increasingly become the stock and trade of our research .
7 At the same time it needs to be increasingly alert and responsive to changing circumstances in not merely a local but a global context .
8 At the same time it needs to be stressed that despite his close relations with Wagner the man and his reverence for Wagner the artist , Nietzsche 's first-hand acquaintance with his idol 's artistic achievements was in one important respect limited : experience of Wagnerian music drama in its proper theatrical setting was largely denied him .
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