Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [det] time [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 At the same time they would also wish to distance themselves from the connotations of full employment with which Friedman was to invest to the concept of the natural unemployment rate ( see next section ) .
2 At the same time they might even pick up a few tips from Waqar Younis and Wasim Akram instead of trying to put them down .
3 They would be more effective and useful ; and at the same time they could be employed to reflect a new approach to the balance of education for which I have argued .
4 At the same time they could become excited about house matches or school matches and take part in such events with earnest aggressiveness .
5 When people walk into an auditorium , one thing ought to happen and another ought not : their attention should be grabbed and held but at the same time they should n't fall flat on their faces because you 've failed to gaffer down a loose wire .
6 At the same time they should know how to order the right meal and whether , when work is done , they should take their client to the opera or a night club or let him go home .
7 at the same time they should be getting the children to ask themselves the same questions that the staff are asking about the work .
8 but at the same time they should n't just be looking at the subjects in isolation
9 At the same time they can interfere with the replication of normal viruses in the cell by using up raw materials .
10 We 'd like them to come along and see the horses working in the traditional way at the same time they can look at the Autumn colours .
11 So , on the one hand , people are encouraged to reclaim traditional practices while at the same time they must come to terms with the abandonment of other , often related , traditional conceptions .
12 At the same time they must express the higher and spiritual aspirations of life through their beauty , unless they represented these aspirations by their very existence , as did books and musical instruments , which remained surprisingly functional in design , apart from fairly minor surface flourishes , or unless they belonged to the realm of pure utility such as kitchenware and luggage .
13 While at the same time we might say of all of us that God in Christ took on a humanity which , with him , we share .
14 They 'll go in with the with the occupant , at the same time we 'll inform Road Police Station .
15 But at the same time we 'll never eliminate it completely .
16 ‘ If we can pick them all up at the same time we wo n't lose any of them . ’
17 We must first find an initial BFS for TP and at the same time we will generate the parent function defining its corresponding tree .
18 He added that " at the same time we will send a delegation in the opposite direction , to Kuwait as well as to members of the coalition , the USA and the European Communities " .
19 At the same time we can expect people 's interest in green issues and concern for their local environment to grow . ’
20 At the same time we can relish the days more and more , and search in their interstices for the hidden treasures and thus our lives may become the supreme adventure and treasure hunt of the transcendent .
21 We can not but be overwhelmingly impressed by what the Chinese have achieved in the country and elsewhere , but at the same time we can not help seeing the comic side of the rituals in which we find ourselves participating .
22 At the same time we should also keep in our prayers all those who died , were injured or bereaved in the Hillsborough disaster .
23 At the same time we should also recall that , as Levinas puts it ‘ the best thing about philosophy is that it fails ’ .
24 In fact , the work we have done together has always been very harmonious — although I imagine if we were in a sit-com at the same time we could get a bit waspish — ‘ She 's got more lines than me … but it 's never happened so far .
25 But at the same time we must never lose sight of our over-riding duty to win elections ’ ( emphasis added ) .
26 Of course we must , but at the same time we must endeavour to retain the practices and methods we know are right for our children .
27 At the same time we must stand back from it .
28 The legend must go — but at the same time we must be careful not to let the queen out with the asses ' milk .
29 But at the same time we must preserve the rights of the voluntary carers , and any guidelines must avoid being too prescriptive ’ , she says .
30 At the same time everyone can tuck into dried fruit and nuts , torrone [ a type of chocolate or vanilla sweet with nuts ] , panettone [ a type of cake with raisins ] , or pandoro , which is softer than panettone and does not contain raisins .
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