Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [det] time [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 At about the same time we made the acquaintance of a young Nigerian living in the town , and in due course his bride came to stay in our house until her marriage .
2 So when all these changes were going , going on with the , the machinery , the , the bonus system etcetera etcetera you , you think there were other facilities arose around about the same time which made the work environment still more er still better if you like ?
3 About the same time he purchased Maisonette , a country house and grounds in Ingatestone .
4 In 1785 he won the competition for a public building in his native county of Angus , the town and county hall in Forfar ; at about the same time he secured the patronage of Henry Dundas , first Viscount Melville [ q.v. ] , the most powerful man in Scotland , for whom he designed Melville Castle , Midlothian ( 1786–91 ) ; while his small number of English patrons included the collector Sir George Beaumont [ q.v. ] , to whose London residence he added a picture gallery ( 1790–2 ) .
5 At about the same time he began buying copyrights : the first book to bear his imprint was an edition of Horace 's Lyrics , published in 1653 ; the first copyright he registered with the Stationers ' Company was a translation by Sir Kenelm Digby [ q.v. ] of Albert the Great 's Treatise Adhering to God , entered 19 September 1653 .
6 At about the same time he helped to found the Liverpool Medical Library and the Liverpool Blind Asylum .
7 About the same time he defeated the Picts in battle .
8 I mean that er shortly after it Molly was married at er Aye just a just before the war er broke out Molly was married , and Cathy got married during the war and I got ma er no The three of us got married just round about the same time you know .
9 Of course , the others laughed at him but he insisted and said that at about the same time I thought I 'd seen Sir Bartholomew , a stranger had arrived in the village late at night and stopped at the ale-house for food and drink .
10 About the same time I heard gunfire .
11 Some of the audience calmly fetched additional chairs from a store and we each sat holding our stacking chair over our heads until the shower subsided , in about the same time it took the film rain to subside .
12 When we teach pupils , in the same time we teach their parents . .
13 The money is automatically taken out of your current account in the same time it takes to clear a cheque , roughly three days .
14 But at the same time they looked sublimely elegant .
15 At the same time they try to make sure that no other males get the opportunity to mate with their own female .
16 Additions such as these certainly enrich the idea of the longue durée ; but at the same time they complicate it by broadening the notion of constraint on which it depends and obscuring its relationship with conjonctures .
17 At the same time they contain both obvious and hidden differences which also need exploring .
18 At the same time they had established bases in India in which they exercised some degree of local political authority , though only in the way that trading companies normally did when away from home , and with no idea of challenging the authority of the Great Moghul , the ruler of India .
19 At the same time they had on Mondays and Tuesday we used to sell weekly tickets , so they had to go out in another box on Mondays and Tuesdays .
20 At the same time they had to continue running existing services , carry through any other major developments already in the pipeline and make progress on resource management and quality assurance systems .
21 At the same time they wished to protect and even advance British influence abroad .
22 Not only did their desire for greater freedom at university lead them into conflict with the authorities , but at the same time they responded to issues of much wider social significance raised by the ‘ revolutionary situation ’ of 1859–61 , the massacre of peasants protesting against the terms of Emancipation , the repression of radical journalists such as Chernyshevsky .
23 At the same time they show a series of separate gill openings wedged between these shields and each associated with a tiny branchial plate .
24 She caught sight of Ernest and Charlotte in the crowd and at the same time they saw her .
25 At the same time they saw a causal link between the predicament of the peasants and their own frustrations ; the political , social , and cultural constrictions which impinged directly upon them seemed to be the product of a society based upon oppression of the masses .
26 At the same time they disclosed details of some of the charges facing her .
27 The British could only watch and hope , yet at the same time they provoked some American complaints that their instinctive reaction in an emergency was to look for a compromise .
28 That is because it is an area where Marx and Engels , misled by Morgan , went most wrong , yet where at the same time they made the best use of anthropology .
29 At the same time they took responsibility for the home , ’ she says .
30 Doctrinally , the canons were undeniably Calvinist in outlook ; yet at the same time they expressed some ambivalence over the doctrine of predestination , and hinted at a recognition of the potentially damaging consequences of it being inadequately or incorrectly explained to the laity .
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