Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [det] time i [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Of course , the others laughed at him but he insisted and said that at about the same time I thought I 'd seen Sir Bartholomew , a stranger had arrived in the village late at night and stopped at the ale-house for food and drink .
2 About the same time I heard gunfire .
3 In fact , it was one of the few times I had seen him act in a civil way towards his stepmother .
4 ‘ As I told you , I did n't go out much when I worked in London , but I 've got a silk dress which I wore on the few times I went to the opera .
5 I applied to correspondence courses for writing , I joined a music workshop , and at the same time I had to rush into a job , as I came over with just one bag and no money . ’
6 At the same time I got some pleasure out of learning Kennedy 's Latin Primer off by heart .
7 At the same time I practised assiduously my calculus of personal ritual to ward off any kind of eidesis .
8 At the same time I wrote to Ann Kite Education Services and they sent me their basic Video Course .
9 I said if yo if you think you know that you might be able to build a relationship I said then er you know , tell her so I said and do n't try and run the both of them at the same time I said
10 At the same time I knew that my marriage had been a facade and in a way , by leaving , I felt I was doing the only honourable thing .
11 It mocked me , but at the same time I knew I was in danger of surrendering to it , that damned semblance of what I wanted — I was being weakened by it , seduced into yielding to your power over me , and it 's so much more comprehensive than my one-dimensional influence on you .
12 She reminded me that I was a married man — forbade me to approach her or speak to her again in that way , but at the same time I knew I had made her think about the old days — the attraction we 'd had for each other which she could not deny .
13 My thinking was in some way parallel to that of the generative semantics school , but at the same time I developed my own ideas independently of them .
14 ‘ Yet at the same time I imagined what the celebrations would be like at Molineux .
15 At the same time I realized exactly what I disliked about it .
16 At the same time I noticed that A. aluaudi , H .
17 At the same time I thought how few people , apart from Eliot , could have sat and telephoned from that desk : meanwhile , reflecting that it were more proper to appear to be contemplating the exterior than to be glancing at Eliot 's papers scattered in front of me .
18 I sensed the cold outside and I felt a sensation of warmth ; at the same time I felt a strong compassion for all the homeless of the world .
19 I paused to marshal all my heartfelt arguments against the cruise-cure , but at the same time I felt a sudden and oceanic surge of homesickness .
20 ‘ I did , but at the same time I felt like I understood Manson because , maybe in a superficial way , I felt like I naturally spoke like him .
21 At the same time I felt I was owed an explanation .
22 At the same time I felt so inordinately tired that all I wanted was to lean my face against that corduroy and shut out the world .
23 At the same time I felt a terrible heat ; it seemed to consume me , growing hotter and hotter .
24 At the same time I became aware of the fact that this opera was on the stocks .
25 I half disapproved of these costumes , they made me feel uncomfortable , but at the same time I admired and envied her , she was so original and unconcerned .
26 I was confused at school because although I did n't like the way we would dismiss the teachers and what they were trying to teach us , at the same time I wanted to be the ace yob .
27 At the same time I wanted to further my career and win more medals .
28 But at the same time I revelled in the unlovely sound because it might be the saving of my miserable life .
29 At the same time I did n't feel female , in the sexual sense .
30 At the same time I did n't want to be like them .
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