Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [det] [adj] [noun pl] on " in BNC.

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1 The World Bank and International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) , meeting in Washington on April 26-28 , approved massive financial backing for the former Soviet republics on the condition that they took rigorous action to privatize and stabilize their economies .
2 In Crotone , the former Croton , one of the many rich colonies on the coast to the south , on the Ionian sea to the south of Rupe , Zeuxis painted his most famous commission , for the sanctuary of Hera on the promontory .
3 The underlying justification for this book is that participation in policy making for a group of public services of considerable importance to us all must rest upon understanding : understanding of what the policies are , of how they are made and implemented , and of the implications of the many prevailing suggestions on how to change those policies .
4 Anyone who wants a thorough view should study the Neural Computation journal and some of the many new textbooks on neural nets , such as Aleksander & Morton ( 1990 ) , Judd ( 1990 ) , Kosko ( 1992 ) and Zurada ( 1992 ) .
5 The greater part of the book is devoted to descriptions of the many climbing routes on the several peaks of Mount Kenya , and the smaller number of routes on Kilimanjaro and its satellite Mawenzi .
6 While he was not typical , the notorious sadist , Lieutenant Colonel Muraviev , one of the former Tsarist officers on whom the Red Army was obliged to rely , vowed to hold the Ukraine by fire and the sword .
7 Steve Kerton is one of the few professional drivers on the circuit … he just about survives on sponsorship … you see there are no big bucks in this sport … no national glory … take Kerton he 's to powerboating what Mansell is to motor racing … well in name only …
8 ‘ This is one of the few private properties on the island .
9 Last year environmentalists managed to stop a plan by a Japanese group to build a retirement home with a golf course attached on the top of Penang Hill , one of the few untouched areas on a fast developing island .
10 There was an enormous gap between the possibilities of radical architecture and the strategic thinking of a few academic planners on the one hand , and the practical capabilities of planning staffs at local government level , on the other .
11 Perhaps this is an appropriate place for a few brief notes on the more common chemical fertilizers and organic manures of plant and animal origin .
12 Hence Sharon and partner Martin can only get to be with their pedigree chum for a few precious hours on Sunday mornings at kennels in Wickford .
13 This beautiful crab has a wide carapace , with a few faint depressions on its upper surface , and a spiny margin .
14 It provides outside parties with a few limited details on the borrower , loan size , term , currency , syndicate leader and participating banks ( see specimen tombstone at the end of this chapter ) .
15 Consequently , it is recognized that what is offered can only be a highly personal and limited selection of developments in disciplines other than financial management , with a few isolated ideas on linkages between them .
16 I do not consider that it would help towards the solution of your Lordships ' present problem for me to discuss further the points which arose in Morris ( including the question whether it really is an example of theft ) or in the many other cases on section 1(1) which have occupied the anxious attention of the courts and the academic writers .
17 You can tell how lively they are by the fact that they work not in great white north-lit drawing-offices , like the more fashionable and established groups , but in a few cramped rooms on the fourth floor of an Edwardian commercial block , above a tobacconist and an employment agency , mostly looking out on an airwell .
18 As I have made clear to the hon. Member on the many previous occasions on which he has asked this question , we have no plans to introduce free or concessionary television licences for all pensioners .
19 Due to a few simple changes on employment records , the cleaning income was tax-free .
20 Each year , the Inax Corporation , Japan 's biggest tile manufacturer , selects the best from among the many new materials on the market and presents an award to those companies who have facilitated the development of new product lines .
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