Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [det] [noun sg] as we " in BNC.

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1 The insects are out and about for the same reason as us , moving at night to beat the midday heat at the very centre of the Grand Canyon .
2 Er I mean it brings it about the same price as we 're paying anyway does n't it ?
3 About the same time as us ?
4 You are of the same blood as us , sworn to protect Minginish .
5 This is sort of the same thing as we did in our Champ year — when we got the ball at midfield we came storming and in fact coach Egil Olsen quite liked the style Leeds played then — when he commented a game last year he was very disappointed with our play .
6 Well , they are played but not , not very often , and they are treated not with the same respect as we treat them .
7 Particularly where the subject is a plural personal pronoun no variation seems to be permitted ; but in our initial search for invariance ( cf. 1.1 ) , we still can not specify this rule as categorical with the same confidence as we can define a constraint on a phonological variable .
8 A masterweaver in Persia or Anatolia was held in the same esteem as we hold Rembrandt or Vermeer , and even today there are some textile artists whose reputation and status are equivalent to those of any contemporary artist in the West .
9 Personally , I think that if we can obtain in Cambridgeshire a federation of WEA student groups which will be represented on the Rural Areas Committee of the Extra-Mural Board in the same way as we are represented by a kindred federation in Bedfordshire , there will not be anything lost from the WEA point of view , in the Board being recognised as the responsible body .
10 At that point we could still take water from the aquifer , but we would have to pump it out in the same way as we would from an unconfined aquifer .
11 If we start the New Year in the same way as we finished it , I 'll be well pleased .
12 Although few of us would expect an Eskimo to react or think in the same way as we do , we are nevertheless continually guilty of the same foolish assumption in regard to nationalities closer to home .
13 We are required in the same way as we require numeracy and literally literacy , literally !
14 We should expect a student to tackle a problematic discourse in the same way as we would ourselves : that is to say top-down , starting with general ideas of the discourse and filling in details — like difficult word meaning — later .
15 A barn owl works out whether a sound is coming from the right or the left in the same way as we do .
16 The catechist will read out in the same way as we did for the Celebration of Enrolment , erm whichever catechist is doing will say I present to you and call out a name , and you stand up in your seat with your parents .
17 Er but er in my own opinion , I think that er employers were more or less forced , in the same way as we were , to recognize that they had a problem on their hands .
18 We compare what we are seeing with what we know , to see if there is enough resemblance for us to treat the new thing in the same way as we would have treated the known thing .
19 These people [ the Brazilian Indians ] are wild [ sauvage ] in the same way as we say that fruits are wild , when nature has produced them by herself in her ordinary way … they are still very close to their original simplicity … they are still governed by natural laws and very little corrupted by our own " .1
20 We used to call it higher education , and erm so we had to deal with the , the Lowestoft Grammar School in the same way as we did with the other schools and also with the erm Technical Institute which was at Lowestoft , that was the only erm purpose-built erm centre for further education in the , in the county at that time .
21 Information is a resource to be managed , in the same way as we currently manage manpower , financial , and physical resources .
22 If the government intervenes to ‘ peg ’ ( i.e. fix ) the exchange rate or even to prevent excessive fluctuations , the transmission mechanism will not work in the same way as we have described .
23 Great chunks of it may require changes in Company policy and I assume that those are being investigated in the same way as we have been asked to comment .
24 They beat Malvern Vale who were another erm of the promotion contenders , three nil today , so Maidenhead and ourselves are in the same relationship as we were before the game .
25 It is not , however , a property in the same sense as we have used the term up to this point , since it is a second-order property ; that is , it is a property of the other two relations that we have sketched so far ( and only of these ) .
26 she took that out in the , in the same year as we started the mortgage , she thought it was a good idea to take some extra saving .
27 In fact we were , rather condescendingly , informed that teaching methods had changed since the 1960s and we could not expect our child to be educated in the same manner as we ourselves had been .
28 In the same room as we 've been sitting .
29 Unfortunately , in modern society , our ‘ own ’ are rarely living in the same town or even in the same county as us , which makes the ideal situation very difficult to achieve .
30 there 'd just these straight powers of X , and you could do that and you 'd get to the same answer as we get to it 's just that this is a quicker way of doing it .
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