Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [det] [noun sg] [conj] we " in BNC.

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1 The insects are out and about for the same reason as us , moving at night to beat the midday heat at the very centre of the Grand Canyon .
2 Er I mean it brings it about the same price as we 're paying anyway does n't it ?
3 About the same time as us ?
4 Clearly we do not wish to go through the same debate that we had at the greenbelt inquiry , erm but it is very relevant erm you 'll see from our submissions to the panel that er quite clearly the City Council did not agree entirely with the proposed boundary of the greenbelt , the City Council did take the view that there were certain areas of land proposed to be included in the greenbelt er which did not fulfil a greenbelt function in the Council 's view , and that was clearly was discussed at the greenbelt inquiry , it was not just one site , er we clearly were not not in our er responsibility to identify a specific site outside our district , but there were a number of areas er subject to those objections , not just from ourselves , but as Mr erm Donson has said er from various objectors .
5 What is important is to explore these possibilities with the students and to use the example to illustrate the difficulty of the latter method if we try to apply it at the end of 1989 when the costs to completion are uncertain .
6 Malc and I were all part of the same gang when we were 14 , sort of ‘ paired off ’ when we were 15 , and started putting our biology theory into practice at 16 .
7 ‘ The situation could arise whereby we all own different bits of the same story but we will only know that when we go to one of the television networks with a proposal . ’
8 You are of the same blood as us , sworn to protect Minginish .
9 This is sort of the same thing as we did in our Champ year — when we got the ball at midfield we came storming and in fact coach Egil Olsen quite liked the style Leeds played then — when he commented a game last year he was very disappointed with our play .
10 ‘ With the increasing emphasis on health promotion and screening we need to be more critical and to regard intervention with the same rigour that we use to examine a new drug in a clinical trial , ’ he says .
11 Well , they are played but not , not very often , and they are treated not with the same respect as we treat them .
12 Particularly where the subject is a plural personal pronoun no variation seems to be permitted ; but in our initial search for invariance ( cf. 1.1 ) , we still can not specify this rule as categorical with the same confidence as we can define a constraint on a phonological variable .
13 ‘ We could play the US again tonight , it could go along the same pattern and we would end up winning 4–2 or 5–2 because of the chances we created . ’
14 So erm I was thrilled to bits cos that long cupboard that 's in that bedroom , that from the same person that we got the table from .
15 Mrs talked about four , we 've actually agreed that there should be more homes on the list than four er for prospective refurbishment and Mr has stood up and protested that he did not produce the figures , but Professor still says you will produce figures for this and you will produce figures for that , none of us do that we all get our figures from the same place but we all get inconsistent figures .
16 Er the Government find it absolutely unacceptable for people to wait on trolleys , once the decision for admission has been made er but My Lords sometimes it is necessary to wait er for observation purposes or sometimes for diagnostic treatments , er which actually have to take place in the A and E department er but My Lords it 's very interesting to see how similar hospitals vary , even within the same vicinity and we believe a great deal of this is due to poor management .
17 The special methods of sensitivity analysis are only used in the former step so we shall concentrate on that .
18 A masterweaver in Persia or Anatolia was held in the same esteem as we hold Rembrandt or Vermeer , and even today there are some textile artists whose reputation and status are equivalent to those of any contemporary artist in the West .
19 ‘ Stress related injuries caused by the nature of the league programme are a new phenomenon and who is to say that all of those who have had to call off from this match will not still be in the same position when we go to play Portugal in our next World Cup qualifying tie ? ’ said Roxburgh .
20 The issue is even more complicated in the world of sound recording , because we can not pick up a record and listen to it in the same way that we can pick up a book and read it .
21 We may expect other people to fear rejection in the same way that we do , and be surprised by their directness .
22 If future technological societies ever learn to harness tachyons and modulate them ( in the same way that we modulate radio waves ) they will be able to communicate information from the future to the past .
23 Nevertheless , they clearly do affect performance : if I want a musician then musical ability will be assessed ; we will listen to the playing of a musician in the same way that we will ask athletes to reveal their athletic ability .
24 The people of the Balkans have become addicted to guns , in the same way that we have drug addicts in other parts of the world .
25 Furthermore , we would expect any doctor , not just our own , to behave in the ‘ proper ’ manner , in the same way that we expect the same sort of behaviour from all shop assistants , or all priests , or all fathers .
26 Our American colleagues do not understand the word ‘ momentarily ’ in the same way that we do .
27 and er the people in the flat above us had to pass our door to get to them in the same way that we had to pass the people , tenants below doors to get to their accommodation .
28 Accordingly , we would construe the guarantee and debenture in the same way that we have construed the mortgage deeds .
29 We decided to use the same system that we used for hospitals , making referrals to team leaders in the same way that we do to consultants .
30 Should we make sure that we work through a list of gestures , for example , in the same way that we cover a set of basic language functions in the beginners ' syllabus ?
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