Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [det] [noun sg] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 It may Lie that the sale of cigarettes for the same purpose to a working men 's club is a consumer sale .
2 Given that different users may have different perspectives on the same subject , it is clear that different indexing languages and systems may be appropriate for different subjects and environments , and even for the same subject in a different environment .
3 Earlier in the month 806 Squadron 's three remaining serviceable Fulmars had been flown from Malta to Egypt via El Adem , each aircraft carrying three aircrew ; the ground party sailed for the same destination in a destroyer .
4 However , this implicitly assumes that the investor may be able to reinvest the dividend for the same return at a lower risk than the firm ( or for a higher return for the same risk ) which , given the asymmetry of information , can not be the case unless the firm itself has an inferior investment policy , in which case the investor would be advised to withdraw his or her investment from the firm completely .
5 For example , a bank loan may fall due three months after the balance sheet date but the borrower may have obtained a commitment from the bank to provide a further loan for the same amount for a further three years .
6 Is it your wish that er about the same price for a table
7 A woman with big beautiful hands who smokes too much writes down my name and what she needs to know and what I need to tell , and another worker goes through the same routine with a serene and rather silent woman in her early thirties , with three children and two plastic bags containing toys and toiletries — the mark of a mother on the run , all you can grab in a quick getaway .
8 It was entirely characteristic of Alexander that he marked Loris-Melikov 's draft of the latter proposal with a question-mark .
9 While Dutch administrators have been working on plans to transfer part of the former Daf into a new company known as New Daf , it is not yet known if the rescue package will help save jobs at the five Leyland Daf plants in Britain .
10 It was argued for the husband that the wife should have been awarded a lump sum of £532,000 , calculated in accordance with the principles established in Preston v Prestion ( 1982 ) Fam 17 and Duxbury v Duxbury ( 1987 ) FLR 7 , to provide sufficient income to satisfy the reasonable requirements of the former wife of a millionaire .
11 If the petition contains a request for the appointment as trustee of the former supervisor of a voluntary arrangement , a report must be filed at court ( not less than two days before the hearing ) stated that his intention to seek appointment was notified to creditors and what response was received ( r 6.10(5) ) .
12 Expectancy effect may , for instance , be behind the otherwise inexplicable phenomenon of misidentification of the same suspect by a number of independent witnesses .
13 For some time to come there will be a continuing mismatch between schools and the LEA regarding the theoretical application of legislation and the practical implementation of the same legislation in a working school environment be it LMS or the National Curriculum !
14 Figure 22.10 shows another space-time representation of the same type at a higher Rayleigh number .
15 Paragraph 5 of the rule was directed not only at enforcement of a judgment in favour of a claimant who had obtained judgment in his favour but also at preventing , by means of the principle of res judicata , relitigation of the same case by a person who was properly represented by a claimant against whom judgment had been given dismissing the claim , whether that person tried to pursue his claim against a named defendant sued in his own right only , or against a named defendant sued both personally and as a representative of a class , or against a member of that class .
16 Making comparisons of crude death rates across time or between populations is problematic as the rate is obviously influenced by the age composition of populations : a population with a large component of older people will illustrate a higher crude death rate than a population of the same size including a lot of younger people .
17 Systematic mnemonics is the use of the same notation for a given topic wherever that topic occurs .
18 Trivers argues that the chances of selection favouring altruistic behaviour in which individuals dispense a benefit to another greater than the cost of the act will be improved when many potentially altruistic situations arise in the population , when there are repetitive interactions of the same kind within a small group of individuals , and where symmetrical situations favouring the return of benefits are common .
19 In terms of access to modules , the user hierarchy should be made to reflect the project or organisational structure in operation , since only members of the same branch of a family automatically have access to each other 's software .
20 While Boris Yeltsin has struggled to control the Russian parliament for a year , Kalmykia 's 30-year-old president , Kirsan Ilyumzhinov , has solved a local version of the same problem in a day .
21 The ‘ Angel of Annunciation ’ and ‘ Virgin Annunciate ’ ( fig.6 ) , which in 1926 were owned by Philip Lehman in New York , appear to be segments of the same panel of a broken-up predella .
22 Four of the same name in a Test remains a record to this day , as does the ludicrous fact that three of the players making their debuts for their country in the match had already played Test cricket , but under different colours .
23 You should reassess the case and choose another remedy , though it may first be worth trying a dose of the same remedy in a higher potency if you have it .
24 The capital value of a flat-rate pension for a woman , paid from the age of 60 , is about twice as much as that of the same pension for a man paid from age 65 .
25 Any spreadsheet can include more than one page and you can use commands and formula between and across pages — for example you can write a sum that adds the contents of the same cell in a number of pages as in the example shown here where the fourth page of the spreadsheet summarises three month 's sales collected on the three previous pages .
26 Griffith then took ordinary cold rods of the same glass about a millimetre thick and broke them in tension , finding that they had a tensile strength of about 25,000 p.s.i .
27 In the words of a former chairman of a British nationalized industry , when the economy fluctuates , ‘ ministers find it difficult to resist varying the targets or borrowing limits of the industries , frequently at very short notice , and these imposed fluctuations in general management direction produce severe strains on the efficient operation of the industry ’ ( Tombs 1980 : 5 ) .
28 Mr Gibson who has already received permission for a tea shop can now submit separate applications for the visitors ' centre and the conversion of a former smithy into a holiday cottage the two elements supported by councillors .
29 The principle of including words of a former age in a modern rite is well established through the use of anthems .
30 Despite a former career as a top model , Basinger is notoriously insecure about her looks .
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