Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [det] [noun sg] [prep] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Travis had raised himself out of his despair to quip that she and his cousin both worked for the same firm , but the message that had come across to her from the dark steely look of Naylor Massingham was that that might be true now , but , since she had chosen not to heed his warning , one of them would not be working for the same firm for very much longer !
2 This is the lowest total for the same period for more than 70 years .
3 This was more than it fell during the same stage of both the 1973–75 and 1981–82 recessions , but less than the short , sharp fall in 1980 .
4 A brackish upper layer of about 10 m is underlain by about the same depth of more saline water ; beneath from about 20 m lies a permanently stagnant bottom layer of ancient sea water — a memento of the island 's emergence from the sea some 3000 years ago ( Figure 4.3 ) .
5 His fiery Sack of Troy ( fig. 101 ) will be discussed in the next section ( p. 76 ) , together with a rendering of the same scene in rather different mood ( fig. 102 ) by one of the greatest pot-painters , the Kleophrades Painter , in connection with Pausanias 's description of a wall painting by Polygnotos of Troy Taken .
6 Schwinger and Tomonaga — who shared the Nobel prize with Feynman — produced equivalent , if less picturesque , versions of the same formalism by more conventional arguments .
7 6. the Guardian and classify voters as ‘ persistent ’ readers if they were ‘ regular ’ readers of the same paper-type in both the Mid-Term and Pre-Campaign Waves , that is , if they regularly read the same paper-type throughout the year preceding the election .
8 Something has got to give : all these italicized attributions can not be true of the same person at once .
9 A repetition of the same sin under similarly testing circumstances does not make this a duplicate of 12:10–20 .
10 How many of us would n't be happy to make it through a half century in half as good shape .
11 The 35-year-old Bristol-based Scot , five clear at halfway after two dazzling rounds of 65 and 68 , did not play with the same style in much calmer conditions but rarely looked like losing his grip .
12 A further £312 million could be avoided with a little effort by either changing behaviour or by choosing more tax-efficient products which involve more detailed financial planning .
13 Both versions will be in the UK this April , with the saloon looking to tempt everything up to Lexus buyers with an all-in price of around £28,000 and the coupe out on its own at around £30,000 .
14 On the expenditure side , the fall from 1979 to 1983 was an even greater 0.7 per cent ; but the recovery to 1987 brought the percentage budget surplus back in the latter year to almost the same insignificant level obtaining in 1979 .
15 I 'm still in the same position without actually having Aids .
16 He held her in his arms , still and warm , and after a while in that darkness he felt as though he held nothing at all ; it was like when a limb , having been left in the same position for too long a time , somehow loses all reference to the body , and for those instants before some willed movement the very location and attitude of that arm or leg is quite unknown .
17 The exclusion principle is crucial because it explains why matter particles do not collapse to a state of very high density under the influence of the forces produced by the particles of spin 0 , 1 , and 2 : if the matter particles have very nearly the same positions , they must have different velocities , which means that they will not stay in the same position for long .
18 The flutes and piccolo act in the same way at still higher altitudes .
19 Yeah but in the same way in exactly the same respect
20 Sebastian went on in the same vein for quite some minutes .
21 They had not slept in the same bed for nearly two years .
22 In the same year in both Leeds and Manchester stumbling efforts were made to overcome distrust and form new antislavery organisations uniting all adherents .
23 Bats do not fly in the same direction for long .
24 This can be reduced by diversifying , in particular to achieve a mix of assets whose values would not all be expected to move in the same direction at once .
25 Despite our finding that television news is biased , there is no doubt that it is less biased than the press , and that such bias as there is on television is in the same direction on both BBC and ITV .
26 No station was allowed to take a prize in the same class for more than two successive years , but if a station which had done so was deemed worthy of being placed in the same class in a third year , it received a special first-class certificate but no money .
27 Shorter terms are more likely to be present in the same form in both the indexer 's and the searcher 's normal vocabulary for the subject .
28 I think I 've sat is those auditorium seats in the same format for quite a few years now .
29 Samuel was the more prolific pamphleteer , but according to Edwards , mother and son collaborated closely , ‘ the one inditing and the other writing ’ , and they lived in the same house at least until the end of 1652 .
30 Without turning round he said in a harsh voice : ‘ If you want to know about Inez , Mr Wycliffe , you must ask Sara , the two of them lived in the same house for nearly twelve years .
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