Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [det] [noun] as they " in BNC.

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1 The courts can order presses to be stopped for the same reasons as they can order assets to be frozen or property to be returned .
2 But when the judge , and the Lord Chief Justice , express their views on the period a particular prisoner should serve for the purposes of retribution and deterrence , they are involved in part of the same consideration as they would be when deciding a proper determinate sentence for a serious offence other than murder .
3 They fell silent for a few moments as they drank their tea .
4 For a few seconds as they descended , he had an unimpeded view through a gap in the trees of the west front of the chapel .
5 Ms Harman also claimed the Conservatives had ‘ ruthlessly fiddled the NHS waiting list figures with the same ruthlessness as they fiddled the unemployment figures , ’ and had created a two-tier health service .
6 It behoves all who wish journalists and broadcasters to enjoy " rights " to acknowledge that others have valid claims to legal protection as well — to lead a private life , to undergo a trial free from sensational prejudice , and to have false accusations corrected with the same prominence as they are made .
7 HOLYWOOD — Coach Norman Crawford 's squad is along the same lines as they defend their League and Kirk Cup titles .
8 " The Session find that there is no suitable person to undertake the duties of precentor , and that they are now in the same position as they were two years ago , when Mrs McIver took up the work .
9 ‘ I want people to come and see me playing Billy , not Adrian Boswell , in the same way as they went to watch Michael Crawford , not Frank Spencer . ’
10 Exercise has not been included in this because too few people have a history of exercise attempts in the same way as they have diet attempts .
11 Boy was not surprised at the kind of sex they had , because he had already learnt never to assume that people made love in the same way as they talked .
12 Environmental intangibles have been built into the cost-benefit analysis in the same way as they are for road schemes .
13 In the end , leaders will be supported in the same way as they always have been : by winning people to Christ , who then begin to tithe their income in order to support and set free their leaders for full-time work in the church .
14 Remember that it 's perfectly natural for the other fish to eat the fry and that unless you take steps to prevent it , the fry will have to take their chances in the same way as they would in the wild .
15 The proposals would also allow SFA members to categorise registered persons dealing with overseas private clients who are unable to claim compensation under the scheme , in the same way as they categorise registered persons dealing with other clients ( eg business or professional ) not able to claim under the scheme .
16 Careful descriptions of speech are necessary because people 's beliefs about their actual linguistic behaviour are often very inaccurate ; many people think they speak in the same way as they write but , in fact , no one does .
17 The fellows never seemed to rib the other NAAFI girls very much : they joked with them , but not in the same way as they did with Lemon .
18 According to Wittgenstein , for instance , it is a condition of a colour-word , such as ‘ blue ’ , being used meaningfully by a person , that he should have learnt ( been trained ) to react to the things other people call ‘ blue ’ in the same way as they do .
19 According to market researchers International Data Corp , a survey of 500 major corporate users showed that although 39% will continue to use their mainframes in the same way as they always have , a massive 61% want to downsize .
20 According to market researchers International Data Corp , a survey of 500 major corporate users showed that although 39% will continue to use their mainframes in the same way as they always have , a massive 61% want to downsize .
21 The boys play the role of husbands and behave in the same way as they see their fathers do in their respective homesteads .
22 If we actually , very quickly , which round the world was meant to be , erm , those of you which are familiar with other countries , what about women in , say America , Ashley , are , are they , do they participate in the same way as they do here ?
23 The former were inclined to present their arguments within a mould of imaginary social history which assumed that , in his essence , man is a " unity even though human societies are different ; the latter were preoccupied with classification and were therefore predisposed to distinguish the varieties of mankind in the same way as they were accustomed to distinguish the varieties of animals , birds , plants and insects .
24 Nevertheless , the Guidance suggests that local authorities review service provision plans for children in need in the same way as they are required by regulation to review their plans for children they are looking after ( see Chapter 16 , 8 ) .
25 The solicitors in whose favour the contract has been released , are then free to undertake a telephone exchange of contracts in accordance with Law Society Formula " A " or " B " , as appropriate , and can then return to the original solicitors at the end of the chain in order to complete the exchange of the released contract in the same way as they would if dealing with Law Society Formula " A " or " B " .
26 I see no reason additionally why the independent people on the Board should not act to protect the company in the same way as they 're trying to help protect the other members .
27 The school librarian or teacher would use the programs on disk to create a list of references and the pupils would be able to use the microcomputer in the same way as they use a subject index .
28 Mr Walker , who had vowed he would have to be evicted with the family , said : ‘ We had hoped for a stay of execution to allow the family to depart with dignity , but the Scottish Office handled the request in the same way as they have handled the whole affair — with massive insensitivity .
29 Blessed are you when you suffer insults and persecution and cowardliness of every kind from my face exult and be glad for you have a rich reward in heaven in the same way as they persecuted the prophets who bore you .
30 Well they understand what they 're doing in the same way as they understand what they 're doing when they 're watching a video .
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