Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [det] [noun] i [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 I did n't quite close the door , and after a few moments I could hear her footsteps walking briskly past .
2 I did n't think that after a few years I would end up doing both ! ’
3 The initial police response was good but after a few days I could see they were getting swamped with other cases and I had to do something .
4 so like after a few days I can her saying , oh , I 'm gon na have to go , I 'm gon na have to feed dog and they 're having it put down , they 're having it put down .
5 He knew I worked with Malcolm because he was one of the few teachers I could have a conversation with about something more than homework or football .
6 And because he was slightly dim , or at least vulnerable and kind and easily led , being one of the few people I could mock and dominate with impunity , we became mates .
7 That is a fact , he wrote ( and Goldberg typed ) , one of the few facts I can swear to , though I find it impossible to explain .
8 ‘ If Steve does n't come back for a few days I 'll probably have to go into Palma and see the airlines and the tourist board myself . ’
9 Mr Chairman erm I would like personally take up a suggestion that was in The Star about the possibility of a regional company being based at the playhouse in other words for a few months I would see it as people getting to know this company and rather like a repertory theatre of old then people would want to come and see these people in different roles and I think that would add to the you know repetitive .
10 After some thought he said ; ‘ Well , I have a daughter your age , and if she were to come to me with the same question I would advise her to terminate . ’
11 Given the new licensing laws for teachers I shall give them some experience of the post 16+ area before embarking on the lower school work with which under the former arrangement I would normally have begun .
12 It ended with a few paragraphs I 'll quote :
13 Er so with no more ado I will ask Mr Davis for North Yorkshire to present his opening statement , and then I 'd like Mr Curtis , your moment has come Mr Curtis , er to follow on from Mr Davis .
14 In the latter case I would be more likely to give you options and a reason , by saying : ‘ Would you mind moving slightly .
15 Why , the galaxy is so vast that in the latter case I could continue to pose — and behave — as an Inquisitor ; though I would truly be a renegade … ’
16 But the point is that I do n't see myself as a playwright in the same way I would see myself as a prose writer .
17 For light relief we had Valerie , and why she did n't end up in the same boat I 'll never know .
18 Sometimes I thought that within a few months I would be back in Le Court , because I did not think I could continue .
19 In a few hours I would be flown into a different culture , a different climate , with different people .
20 If I stood on a street corner somewhere , someone could slip me a small packet in exchange for a fiver and in a few hours I 'd be slumped on the floor of a public toilet : a Drug Statistic .
21 I forgot my circumstances talking to her , that I no longer had power to help , that in a few hours I 'd be gone , and I said , ‘ Of course I 'd love to visit you , I 'd be honoured .
22 In a few moments I 'd like to tell you briefly about the trading background to the figures and to give you an indication of how business has been since the period ended and particularly since our important sale started on Boxing Day .
23 In a few days I 'll have some plan .
24 In a few days I 'll be your father , and I 'll punish you just like that , as often as necessary ! ’
25 Perhaps the most useful thing she did was to teach me the language , so that in a few days I could speak it quite well .
26 In a few days I will send for you again .
27 ‘ Perhaps in a few years I would n't have done . ’
28 In a few years I 'd be just like mammy , cleaning for toffs ; and I 'd have weans and it 'd be too late then , and my man 'd be just like daddy was before he died , working a' week and getting drunk on Friday nights and a' day Saturdays . ’
29 Jack ‘ I 'll be retiring soon ’ Duncan has finally gone and in a few weeks I shall also have a clear desk and be on my way to Viewforth , Stirling to take up my appointment as Director of Technical Services in Central Region .
30 I would like to get married all over again , to the same person I might add , but
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