Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun pl] from [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 What accounts for the differences from town to town , or the similarities between them ?
2 Andrewes was chairman of the committee which was responsible for the books from Genesis to Kings .
3 Members dressed up as the characters from Alice in Wonderland and had jam tarts and sandwiches in the refreshments on offer .
4 One had a recurrence of an old back injury involving a disc which bulged from between the vertebrae from time to time , causing intense pain , and the other was a young secretary with period pains .
5 There was a feeling of helpless impotence which permeated up through the ranks from GI to Supreme Command .
6 The prices of the operations from fillings to complicated bridge work were set by independent experts so dentists would receive a fixed income set by the Doctors ' and Dentists Review Body .
7 The grant will support the transfer of the documents from individuals to a central collection , transcription of nearly illegible photocopies etc .
8 However , because the sun not only participates in the daily rotation of the heavens from east to west but also has its own slow annual motion relative to the stars in the opposite direction , different heliacal risings occur throughout the year .
9 A distressingly high proportion of the records from November to March relate to oiled birds , and the species may be more numerous offshore in the winter than our records indicate .
10 Or , if he really wants to worry aloud , he recalls the time not long ago when he woke one morning to find a black man looming over him in his bedroom carrying most of the clothes from wardrobe in one hand and the family carving knife in the other .
11 Japanese colonial possessions comprised Taiwan ( Formosa ) acquired in 1895 ; the Kwantung Leased Territory of southern Manchuria secured in 1905 ; Korea , annexed in 1910 ; and Micronesia ( the Marshalls , Carolines and Marianas excluding Guam ) , the former German island territories in the western Pacific , obtained as League of Nations ‘ C ’ mandates in 1919 after the earlier Japanese capture of the islands from Germany in 1914 .
12 He took soundings , made a landing on North Foreland in King George Island , where he took possession , and examined the northern coast of the islands from east to west .
13 UKAEA claimed , despite government denials , that it had informed the Department of Transport of the shipments from Germany to its plant at Dounreay via Wick airport .
14 The right hon. Gentleman knows , as does the House , the scale of the shipments from Libya before the Eksund was apprehended by the French customs .
15 The total time of the exercises from start to finish is 3 minutes 45 seconds .
16 Will the Minister therefore consider a way to equalise national sponsorship from business , so that areas with few opportunities can derive some of the benefits from areas with ample opportunities ?
17 After reading some of the criticisms from readers in the past few months I felt that it was about time I wrote in .
18 Funding of the exports from time of shipment by way of advances against shipping documents with possible non payment insurance built in .
19 Arrested fermentation prevents some of the sugars from turning to alcohol , while dilution involves the addition of natural spring water or grape juice to dilute the alcohol .
20 Jim Fleming sends off a Western Samoan and an Argentine while Finlay Calder 's head-butting went ignored and so did some of the forwards from France against Canada .
21 After the expulsion of the Jesuits from Portugal in 1759 , the building became used as a barracks , and British troops were stationed here during the occupation of the island .
22 Peter showed this when he did not hesitate to take some of the brothers from Joppa with him on the journey to Caesarea and the house of Cornelius .
23 Their spirits are high after Liberal victories in three provincial elections this spring , including the ejection of the Tories from office in Nova Scotia after 15 years .
24 As Karen 's lust for certainty increased , she threw in tantalising little snippets , altering some of the details from time to time .
25 It is no coincidence that the areas of greatest prosperity in late twentieth-century Britain correspond to the civil area of the Roman province : at no time since the withdrawal of the Romans from Britain in AD 410 has the economic and political relationship with continental Europe been so close .
26 Alfred the Great led the resistance against the Danes from Athelney in the Somerset Levels ; and although every schoolchild knows that William of Normandy conquered England in 1066 , he did not succeed in subduing Ely and the surrounding fens until 1071 , when Hereward the Wake submitted .
27 ‘ As you know I do n't work in the firm but I do give a hand with the accounts from time to time — ’
28 An old symptom of restless legs in bed had returned and this with the ailments from indignation over her husband 's desertion led to Staphisagria LM1 .
29 A Thirties scene with modern streamlined cars passing the massive war memorial constructed with the profits from shell-making by the Tramways Department in the First World War .
30 By mid-1946 , serious alarm was being expressed within the USA about Soviet expansion in Europe ( coupled with the revelations from Canada of a Soviet atomic spy ring ) , and a tougher line began to emerge from the White House on foreign policy issues .
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