Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun pl] of [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 It goes on : ’ ( 2 ) The CAP negotiations must build on reasonably broad agreement on the principle of resource withdrawal in the shape of arable set-aside. ( 3 ) The negotiations must also develop constructively the common thread of agreement on the environment , and on the need for permanent measures to compensate for the disadvantages of farming in Less Favoured Areas .
2 In the fifties , doctors treated a number of people for the effects of smog in places like London and Birmingham .
3 If one wants to look for the origins of conflict in modern America , one could do worse than line up the eighteenth-century Puritans against the Enlightenment men : say , Jonathan Edwards ( 1703–1758 ) , Samuel Davies ( 1723–1761 ) and Timothy Dwight ( 1752–1817 ) versus Benjamin Franklin ( 1706–1790 ) , Thomas Jefferson ( 1743–1826 ) , Thomas Paine ( 1737–1809 ) and James Madison ( 1751–1836 ) .
4 She was feeling for the lumps of coal in her fuel store , to bring them in to light the fire in snowy weather .
5 ( 3 ) Allowing the appeal ( Lord Griffiths dissenting ) , that in view of the terms of the letter from the Crown Prosecution Service , in which it was accepted that the order restricted them to utilising material already collected or independently gathered , and the safeguards contained in paragraph 33 of Buckley J. 's order , the compliance with the order for disclosure would not create any real danger for the defendants of prejudice in criminal proceedings ( post , pp. 353G–H , 354A–B , 358G–H , 359C–E , 360A , 362G–H , 364E–H ) .
6 What is being compared ultimately is our own response to works of art and to the qualities of simplicity in early Cycladic art , which we may compare with our own feeling for the qualities of simplicity in some of this century 's art .
7 In considering drama 's place in topic work , we have to start by thinking how we might dramatise the topic ; and that means seeking out human dilemmas , looking for the moments of change in a situation , or the moments when change might be possible ; we 're looking for those moments when people make choices .
8 Useful in developing a feel for the subtleties of language in letter , telex and telephone communication .
9 The short article by , Painter ( 1989 ) is also useful for the dimensions of leadership in the civil service .
10 A recent work on political theory in ancient Greece has pursued this question more explicitly than has traditionally been the case in classical scholarship and provides a further check to our ready acceptance of Goody 's grander claims for the consequences of literacy in classical Greece .
11 In their view this had hopelessly inhibited the quest for the causes of crime in the case of classical criminology , and diverted attention away from social defence in the case of the neoclassicists ( since the latter were only interested in ‘ determinants ’ of crime in so far as they reduced the offender 's responsibility ) .
12 In recent weeks our Moscow correspondent could have reported on why the voters in Lithuania had rejected Lansbergis and what the implications were for the prospects of democracy in Russia as well as Lithuania .
13 The seven languages recognised for the purposes of broadcasting in addition to English were also used in primary school education , at political rallies and in local newspapers published by the Zambian Information Services .
14 Reddie divided his pupils into three broad bands for the purposes of instruction in this innovative subject .
15 The question of law for the opinion of the High Court stated by the Board of Review was whether , on the facts agreed and proved , the relevant profits for the years of assessment in question did not arise in or derive from Hong Kong from a trade or business carried on by the taxpayer in Hong Kong .
16 One of Tudjman 's first acts in office was to order that the Square for the Victims of Fascism in the capital of Zagreb be renamed the Square of the Croatian Giants .
17 Then he called for the caskets of gold in which was the balsam and the myrrh which the Soldan of Persia had sent him ; and when these were put before him he bade them bring him the golden cup , of which he was wont to drink ; and he took of that balsam and of that myrrh as much as a little spoon-full , and mingled it in the cup with rose-water and drank of it ; and for the seven days which he lived he neither ate nor drank aught else than a little of that myrrh and balsam mingled with water .
18 The situation is not dissimilar to that in England during the years of austerity in the Forties , when a number of First Division players were tempted to play in Bogota .
19 They adamantly believed that ‘ at that time it was not done to ‘ ’ poach' ’ settled executives in any direct or overt way' ; but they may be seen as the precursors of headhunting in Britain , in so far as they acted as consultants in executive selection and advertising , within a general management consultancy practice .
20 The lack of evidence of greater efficacy and acceptability of serotonin reuptake inhibitors means that their adoption as the drugs of choice in major depression may be premature , although they may have a role in subgroups of patients in whom other treatments are contraindicated or have failed .
21 The articles of direct newsworthy interest in her magazine were as few and far between as the flecks of gold in a prospector 's pan .
22 This year the festival brings you the chance to see a wide and varied selection of the films which will be remembered as the highlights of cinema in 1991 .
23 There are manifest continuities between the rites of violence in contemporary Britain and earlier periods .
24 Thus these issue networks provide a kind of intellectual community in specific policy fields which to some extent transcends traditional political boundaries between Congress and the executive and between the layers of government in the American federal system ( this is examined in more detail in chapter 16 ) .
25 We can thus distinguish between the consequences of hierarchy in general and the particular problems facing public bureaucracies .
26 As shown in column ( 3 ) , output per worker is twice as great in Slovenia as in Kosovo , and , in general , there is a difference between the levels of productivity in the North and the South .
27 They then had to use Prestel to make comparisons between the methods of transport in terms of cost , time taken and ease of access .
28 The difference between the sums of money in the different bands that people will have to pay is relatively small .
29 they 've talked about the problems of oversupply in two er two respects , sterilization of land .
30 Chantecler must have fuelled Eliot 's convictions about the origins of drama in primitive ceremony , as well as dealing with problems of religious decay and with mystical versus rational belief .
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