Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun pl] [noun sg] [vb past] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Last night a spokeswoman for the Arts Centre said the festival has become a victim of its own success .
2 Last night a spokeswoman for the Arts Centre said the festival has become a victim of its own success .
3 The truth , since that seems to be the painful area we are now entering , is that when I was last measured , which was in the fifth form at school , I entered the official records at 5ft 8½in , thanks largely to a tempestuous hairstyle , and by the cunning device of raising myself onto my toes as the sports master lowered the wooden measure .
4 It came as senior members of the magistrates association met the Home Secretary in London to seek changes in the new fines system .
5 The ground floor of the Times Building housed the Business Office ( Circulation , Want-Ads , Accounts and the private office of Mr Thomas Miller ) at the front ; behind it was the Composing Room with its rows of eight linotype machines along the north wall and the fonts of type and form-tables .
6 Rhee 's autocratic tendencies and the growth of the police state accentuated the ECA 's wish to see inflation dealt with realistically .
7 The suddenness of the pits crisis evoked a popular reaction , and the miners ' voice is being heard .
8 They took the lead in the 17th minute when Mike Sheron 's shot from the edge of the Rangers box hit the post and Republic of Ireland international striker Niall Quinn fired home the rebound .
9 The simple truth is that for the duration of the tours rugby became the political football in the power-broking struggle currently being played out between the various factions in South African politics .
10 The ceremony of the drinks tray had a little something sacred in its enactment .
11 Today a drugs expert who 's on the drugs abuse advisory committee of the Sports Council said the council
12 A laboratory study of Californian students by Forsythe , Palfrey and Plott ( 1984 ) found that the introduction of a futures market increased the speed with which information was reflected in the spot price .
13 Whereas the report of an ex-police inspector highlighted the genocidal implications of Chesterton 's speech , that of the Special Branch scribe merely stated that the whole of his discourse was directed towards racial discrimination and hatred of the Jew .
14 She was hardworking and industrious , and in her work as a contracts officer enjoyed the challenge of getting value for money when it came to servicing the needs of the company 's departments .
15 Evaluation of current practice , review of equipment ( including an audit of all ward refrigerator temperatures ) and planning of training in conjunction with the personnel department constituted the initial stage of the review process at Forth Valley .
16 The lobbying from the dyestuffs interest gave the programme its empirical direction .
17 Just as we scrambled out of the ditch again , one of the woodchucks dropping his black rifle and barely managing to grab the sling as it slid back into the foul water , a straggler from the malai patrol crossed the road a hundred and fifty metres away , looked to his left and saw us .
18 Mowbray had met such men before ; some of his commanders in the knights hospitaller had the same gift as Athelstan of sensing every thought .
19 Dealers at Harvard Securities who gained high marks in the BIDS exam received a visit from Tom Wilmot in person .
20 Minton himself visited this show and in the visitors book left the comment , ‘ Fair to Middleditch ’ .
21 Sure enough , over the police radio came the news that a gang had been seen roaming the area , armed with crossbows .
22 Accessions to the Drawings Collection included a large archive of designs by Septimus Warwick ; drawings by Sir Guy Dawber , a former President of the RIBA and Royal Gold Medallist not hitherto represented in the Collection ; Sir Basil Spence 's design for the British Pavilion at Expo ‘ 67 in Montreal ; and a set of prints , with pencil annotations , of a design by Adolf Loos for a house in Czechoslovakia .
23 The problems encountered on the cavemen story prefaced the decision to drop Anthony Coburn 's second story , ‘ The Robots ’ .
24 One of the councillors on the libraries committee took a copy of Gay News home to study so that he could n't be accused of being uninformed when the time came for him to vote for its rejection .
25 In order to bring more of the big guns to bear on the clones Adobe signed a rash of typesetter vendors and font foundries in late 1988 .
26 The story about a whole bloodstained cupboard being removed from Belmodes to a police laboratory went the rounds with the speed of light , being especially well received at Teddy Touch 's outfit , marketing street clothes known as Touchline .
27 The UK-based Save the Children Fund criticized the UN operation , maintaining that the efforts of the various agencies within the UN were unco-ordinated .
28 Miaowing at a police dog brought the wrath of the section upon one tactlessly witty accused , though his conviction was quashed on appeal .
29 A SINGLE bullet fired by a police marksman ended a woman 's 47-hour hostage ordeal yesterday .
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