Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun pl] [noun sg] in [num] " in BNC.

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1 The defendants had been accused of orchestrating an illegal scheme to boost the value of Guinness shares above their normal market levels , at the time of Guinness 's ultimately successful takeover bid for the Distillers Company in 1986 .
2 The government says schools like Pate 's are better-off out of local authority control … but admit that the school has had it 's hands tied by the rules that say they ca n't spend more on teachers than the county council will allow.The governments proposing a review of the regulations system in 1994 but for teachers at Pate 's who 're facing redundancy and pupils a drop in educational standards this could be too long a wait .
3 Of particular importance here was the formation of the Britons Society in 1918 which was to be the immediate precursor of British racial fascism .
4 The committee supported the continuation of the Accidents Programme in 1992–94 .
5 Mr Rooker , MP for Perry Barr in Birmingham , discovered the existence of the POWs Fund in 1976 and publicised it in the Midlands .
6 The author presiding at his last meeting as chairman of the Arts Council in 1972 .
7 When he was promoted to deputy chairman of the Plastics Division in 1966 he remained in charge of the film group .
8 When one of the most energetic spokesmen for applied science in nineteenth-century Britain , Lyon Playfair , addressed the members of a mechanics institute in 1853 , he unashamedly declared that ‘ science is a religion and its philosophers are the priests of nature . ’
9 Familiar with army ways , Curran served in the Indian Army in India , Cyprus , and Italy from 1941 to 1945 before completing his degree in history in 1946 with a first class in part ii and joining the British Broadcasting Corporation as a talks producer in 1947 .
10 Er I first commenced training er as a firearms officer in nineteen eighty .
11 Donald joined Sekers as a wages clerk in 1952 .
12 A director of Courtaulds Textiles , he was equally well known in Courtaulds , where he worked for 25 years before the textiles demerger in 1990 .
13 The name of the Association remained a divisive issue within the deaf community and its hearing supporters , but the issue was allowed to smoulder for eighty years until the Delegates Conference in 1960 put the matter back on the agenda with a suggestion that the words " and dumb " should be omitted from the title of the Association .
14 There are others who are doing research which might lead to erm developments in the communications industry in twenty years from now , or in ten years from now .
15 He is remembered with particular pride in Yugoslavia , however , for his epic poem Judita ( Judith ) , written in the čakavski dialect in 1501 and published in Venice in 1521 .
16 ONE of the guns found in West Belfast recently had been stolen from a police inspector in 1988 .
17 But his efforts to bring more women into his administration suffered an unexpected setback when Mrs Edwina Currie , who resigned over the salmonella-in-eggs controversy in 1988 , turned down a senior position at the Home Office .
18 But there was the failure at the Arms Park in 1989 , the slip in the 1990 grand slam decider at Murrayfield and defeat against Australia in the World Cup final last November .
19 Nor was there when , in another famous victory , Scotland scored five tries to one in beating Wales 34-18 at the Arms Park in 1982 — a match perfectly encapsulated in Andy Irvine 's immortal comment : ‘ We looked dangerous every time Wales got the ball ! ’
20 This matter was discussed many times and , finally , at the Delegates Conference in 1938 , it was agreed " to explore the possibilities of a full-time Secretary and the establishment of an office and report to a special meeting of the executive committee " .
21 Indeed when I was at the police college in 1987 and Jones was on the Senior Command Course prior to taking up a position as assistant chief constable , I took a straw poll among my immediate colleagues to see what influence such books achieve .
22 He also tried his hand as a film director , though less successfully , and wrote a play about a German who sought to take out a patent for gas ovens , which was staged to scant acclaim at the Arts Theatre in 1965 .
23 ( He is put off by the sight of Wayne , who is pogoing furiously behind his keyboards , like someone at a Members gig in 1978 ) Erm , excuse me , but what do you think you 're doing ?
24 But increasingly , doubts , some of which can be traced back to a general report on the supply of professional services by the Monopolies Commission in 1970 , were raised about whether restraints on competition in the professions are necessarily beneficial .
25 Of 41 positive drugs tests by the Sports Council in 1990/91 , up to 21 are believed to have been accidental , sportsmen who absorbed banned substances while taking medication for illnesses of various sorts .
26 Such is the case : Ullapool was designed by a Fisheries Association in 1788 as a base for the herring industry and today the centre of activity is still the splendid harbour , a place of boats and bustle and screaming seagulls .
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