Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun pl] [noun sg] in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Office of Telecommunications ( OFTEL ) was created to act as the regulatory body for the telecommunications industry in order to ensure that BT did not abuse its dominant position .
2 For the Lithuanians success in sport provides a welcome diversion from the harsh realities of every day life since independence .
3 Majella , assistant personnel manager at Charlton depot , raised £213 for the feathers Workshop in Greenwich by completing the 15 mile walk .
4 The more unfortunate thing is that we have a much better midfielder for the subs bench in Hodge , who can come on and is lively , aswell as likely to score a goal .
5 Good performances in the British under 20 water polo trials at Sheffield have results in Paul Floyd and Lee Cooke ( Middlesbrough ) being selected for the 16-strong squad from which the 13 players will be selected for the four-nations tournament in Belgium on May 1–3 .
6 Pitt , who played for the Valleys club in Australia , will make his Fulham debut at Whitehaven tomorrow .
7 Would he not agree er that the fact that erm the Home Office plan to give allow for seven million pounds extra er for the police budget in W in Wales whereas in actual fact local government has chosen er to give only two point two million er through the police budget er is a disgrace and reflects very badly on the running of the police authority and on the chairmanship of that committee .
8 I originally had this idea through the workers union in Manchester , and I was wondering if there were any comparative studies that were happening at the same time , and that would be really interesting to see how Oxford compares to other areas .
9 People scrambled away from the centre of the Operations Room in panic .
10 In particular he referred to the enormous growth of the arms industry in America , which by 1960 directly employed 3.5 million people .
11 Senior executives of Compania de Telefonos de Chile SA told the Honduran President , Rafael Callejas , that their company was interested in becoming involved in a future privatisation of the telecommunications company in Honduras , Reuter reports from Santiago .
12 The firm of Ross and Macdonald had recently been associated with the building of the Beaux-Arts station in Ottawa .
13 By 1968 , with the CNAA withdrawing approval of the honours degree in quantity surveying , the College had not overcome some of its early difficulties .
14 The whole situation regarding the over-valuation of estates consisting of freehold and agricultural property by district valuers has now been highlighted , not only by the case of J Hedley Walton deceased v CIR , but also by the decisions of the Lands Tribunal in Exors of Lady Fox deceased v CIR .
15 Peace talks scheduled for March 19 between Azerbaijan and Armenia , in the context of the CIS summit in Kiev [ see p. 38825 ] , were abandoned at the last minute .
16 The second element of the mens rea in theft is the intention permanently to deprive .
17 Alan Harper , deputy manager of the benefits agency in South Tees , said there was no problem while the group was training .
18 Peter Leonard Bishton , 34 , is charged with stealing £3,934.82 from the Christmas savings fund of the Comrades Club in Richmond between January 1 1991 and December 31 1991 .
19 It is chaired by , a practising auditor , a member of the Auditing Practices Board and chairman of the Accounts Commission in Scotland .
20 The position at the moment is that the defendant tells me he would like to acquire the premises because erm a low criticism has , was made of the premises as being suitable for the carry on of the doctors surgery in partner , a doctor 's surgery in partnership because no doubt the space and other matters , er the defendant tells me that erm they are perfectly suitable for as it were a sole petitioner to carry on his practice from them and that is why he would like to acquire it .
21 The Aug. 6 statement was accompanied by a photograph of United States hostage Terry Anderson , kidnapped in March 1985 and now detained for longer than any other of the Westerners captive in Lebanon .
22 Care must be taken not to exaggerate the effect of the special position of the police committee in England and Wales .
23 The House of Commons Select Committee on Home Affairs carried out an inquiry into the branch during 1984–5 and concluded : ‘ We are satisfied , on the basis of the evidence which we have received , that the special branches of the police service in England and Wales do not justify public anxiety ’ ( House of Commons , 1985 , p. x ; our emphasis ) .
24 The report was discussed with the police authority back in October 1990 and with the chairman of the police authority in October 1990 .
25 His friend , Norman Prescott told Liverpool Crown Court that when he came out of the Horns Inn in Lowton Road , Golbourne , he later found Mr Maltby , 30 , lying on the ground and helped him up .
26 The black comedy of the gallows scene in Verdi 's Un ballo in maschera is very Verdian and also very Karajanesque ; and though Karajan often made out the critics in Strauss 's Ein Heldenleben to be a nicer bunch than they probably are , I have yet to hear a more vitriolically gossipy performance of the ‘ Tritsch-Tratsch ’ Polka than the one Karajan conducted with the Philharmonia Orchestra in one of his last recordings with them in September 1960 .
27 Hours earlier they 'd attacked the manager of the Kiosks newsagent in Nailsworth and robbed him .
28 The two biggest changes for graduates who might return for the Convocation weekend in July will be the sale of the Refectory in Queen 's Road and the acquisition of the Hawthorns Hotel in Woodland Road .
29 ‘ 1992 has been an exciting year , ’ says Michael Morse of The Dolls House in Covent Garden .
30 He was , he said , greatly encouraged that the publication , last April , of a US paperback edition of The Satanic Verses by Consortium Incorporated — a group of over 70 publishers , writers and human rights groups brought together under the auspices of the Authors Guild in New York — passed off without any significant protest .
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