Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun pl] [conj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The quality of items is decidedly variable and the author 's aim is clearly not to draw our attention to this , but this is an interesting book both for the illustrations and for the details of the private lives of the collectors featured .
2 It 's of course always privilege to play over there and I was over there with a national team a few times , it 's a big occasion for the players , for the managers and for the big tournaments too .
3 The Act also contains guidance for the courts as to the factors which they should take into account in deciding whether any of the statutory exceptions to the presumption in favour of bail apply in a particular case .
4 Which ( as labelling theory rightly suggests ) is bad not only for the offenders but for the rest of society , because it makes re-offending much more likely .
5 Evidence for the Burgundians and for the Franks suggests that neither group can be neatly categorized as either arian or catholic .
6 Unfortunately for the Dwarfs and for the Empire the reigning Emperor was Dieter IV , the Elector Count of Stirland , perhaps the most ineffective and self serving individual ever to sit upon the Imperial throne .
7 But I ca n't help feeling that the ruling for the miners and against the Government could have gone further .
8 Two further contributory factors to the decline of the industry have been : the lowered earnings of energy companies giving rise to spending cutbacks ; and the dampening of government enthusiasm for the projects because of the abundance of crude oil .
9 It had run out of diesel fuel for the generators because of the aid boycott .
10 Objectives , then , should reflect the teacher 's intentions and should be appropriate for the students and for the activity involved .
11 For the locals life goes on until the race approaches … over 100 police are on duty … they 've managed to close the city centre for the leaders but for the tailenders there 's a real old jam …
12 Then because of the reputation the area got for the blues or for the so called red light area , you get people coming in from out of town , which then brought it 's own problems with it .
13 For the Goldsmiths and for the country the opening years of the nineteenth century were ones of financial crisis at home and of war abroad .
14 It has been funded throughout its four years of activities on both sides of the Atlantic : primarily by the US National Endowment for the Humanities and by the EC as part of its framework for linguistic research and engineering , but also with grants from the Mellon Foundation and from the Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council .
15 Colleagues this is taking away the trade union 's right to negotiate a redundancy package on behalf of our members we need to negotiate a package when it 's required for the members and for the members being forced out of their jobs with just a statutory they should recompense their service .
16 The drives we put on against New Zealand were things that we had worked on and it was very satisfying to see them coming off , not just for the forwards but for the backs as well .
17 As the new funding councils for the universities and for the polytechnics and colleges develop systems of contracting , the institutions ' room for manoeuvre in the subjects they offer may diminish further as their programme performance and their accounting arrangements are subjected to ever closer scrutiny .
18 They 've a revolutionary scoreboard for the fans and on the pitch soccer to set the sparks flying .
19 Building on the achievements of the past few years , we shall continue to target aid and assistance where it can be most constructive , for the regions and for the nation as a whole .
20 Although the inversion rate was low for both age groups , it was significantly lower for the eight-year-olds than for the five-year-olds .
21 Should have it should have separate room for the computers and for the typewriters and for the Y T S students .
22 He turned the bag upside down and dumped everything onto the floor , and then he did the same for the drawers and for the wardrobe .
23 The order recited that the court had heard ‘ counsel for the plaintiffs and for the defendants and …
24 By virtue of ss 20–1 of the 1890 Act , partnership property consists of property brought originally into partnership stock , or acquired ( by purchase or otherwise ) on account of the firm or for the purposes and in the course of the partnership business .
25 Sections 20 and 21 deal with the holding of partnership property as follows : s20 ( 1 ) All property and rights and interests in property originally brought into the partnership stock or acquired , whether by purchase or otherwise , on account of the firm or for the purposes and in the course of the partnership business , are called in this Act partnership property , and must be held and applied by the partners exclusively for the purposes of the partnership and in accordance with the partnership agreement .
26 ‘ This is a very exciting day , not only for the fund-raisers but for the hospital and the population of Darlington and Teesdale .
27 This meant goodbye to the subsidies for the arts and to the traces of freedom for the press .
28 Life is sacred , not just for the humans but for the androids as well .
29 This kind of accommodation would have been more suitable for the servants than for the owner and his family .
30 These corners are sometimes almost more difficult for the men than for the women , as we use longer skis but I handled the course well and produced a 3rd place , my most encouraging FIS race result for some time .
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