Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] [noun pl] who " in BNC.

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1 The money that er we raised in the Soviet Union was intended for the families of miners who had suffered as a result of the strike .
2 A SCHEME which aims to provide respite for the parents of children who are on their summer holidays is being organised .
3 In November 1872 , the Board received an application from Cambridge Medical School for the bodies of paupers who had died in the workhouse , and were without funds or relations , to be sent there for the study of anatomy .
4 There are no exact figures for the numbers of Salvadoreans who have been forced to leave their homes because of the civil war , Some are economic refugees , but the great majority have fled because of the repression .
5 It is a broad term , with the appropriate emphasis on the child 's potential , but has been used too often previously to contrast with ‘ blind ’ without consideration for the needs of pupils who have to use both tactile and visual methods for learning .
6 In Battalion Headquarters , the Welfare Officer was busy co-ordinating holidays for the children of soldiers Who have been killed by terrorists , when a call was received to say that the grave of a terrorist victim had been vandalised .
7 Just as importantly , he is possessed of a generosity of mind which allows him to be calmly judicious about the merits of writers who can advocate militant homosexuality and drug-taking ( such as Thom Gunn ) , sympathise with feminism ( Elaine Feinstein ) or adhere to some variant of Marxism ( Hugh MacDiarmid ) .
8 Both national survey data and smaller in-depth studies now enable us to document at least some of the financial effects of care-giving on women , although we still know very little about the consequences for women who begin or continue to give care in their own old age , or about the experiences of Black women carers .
9 There were fundamental disagreements — both medical and moral — about basic procedures and operations , about the institutional settings that would best serve gynaecology and about the kinds of practitioners who should be involved .
10 WHEN delegates of the Whitbread Merit Table clubs took time off from their deliberations over leagues last week to enjoy a day out at the University Match , they took the opportunity to complain to Cardiff about the legions of players who have made the journey to the Arms Park in recent months .
11 As a starting point for my research I decided to find out about the numbers of teachers who worked in secondary schools , the posts that they held and the distribution of men and women teachers to various posts , together with their qualifications and salaries .
12 However , the Department ( of Education and Science ) had little information about the working of the Act in this phase of education and offered no information about the numbers of children who may be receiving special education under the age of five nor of the number of children who might be the subject of statements below school age .
13 The boatman cursed , telling them to sit down and keep still , and then , puffing and sweating , he pulled his craft out midstream through the flocks of swans who arched their wings in protest as if they owned the river .
14 For the first time in her life she felt as if the veil had been stripped from her idol and she was looking at the real person who hid away inside a beautiful body , seeing her through the eyes of others who had no family love for her to colour what they saw .
15 In the final confrontation between Willard and Kurtz , the latter contends that the Viet Cong are more successful because they are more ruthless , citing an incident ( also unsupported by evidence ) where the Viet Cong lopped off the arms of children who had been inoculated by the Americans .
16 McBride said in early 1980 that Debendox , a remedy for morning sickness , was , like Thalidomide , ‘ capable of causing deformities in a small percentage of the embryos of women who took it early in pregnancy ’ .
17 Kandel , trained as a psychiatrist , spent a period working on Aplysia with Ladislav Tauc in Paris in the 1960s , saw the potential of the organism , initially for the study of short-term processes such as habituation , and over the subsequent quarter-century in New York he has made its study peculiarly his own and that of the generations of researchers who have cut their teeth in this Columbia laboratory .
18 It is frequently difficult for staff to accept the notion that anyone other than teachers should have an active part to play in the development of the school and they are often suspicious of the motives of parents who wish to take an extensive part in school life .
19 We do not accept the submission by Mr. Sedley , who appeared for the Bar Council , that there was any conscious distinction made between the occasions when this jurisdiction of the judges , however it was exercised , went to matters related to the administration of justice , such as the equipping of the courts with advocates who were fit to appear before them there , and the occasions when it went simply to matters relating to the administration of the Inns and their property .
20 One way of addressing this is for me to continue to highlight some of the views of colleagues who have not , in the public mind at least , been closely associated with the anti-Federalist cause and several of whom were not , for instance , among the eighty-odd Conservative Members who signed one or both of the ‘ Fresh Start ’ Motions .
21 If one decides to give away £5m to encourage the arts , I do not think that it is a very sensible way to give it to my noble friend Lord Archer , who is a very rich man already , and who gets £6,000 a year out of the pockets of taxpayers who are very much poorer than he is . ’
22 There is even less recognition of the needs of women who combine paid employment and care for their families , especially if their employment is part-time .
23 The floor was covered by a large mosaic and I was really getting interested in some of the antics of the guys with beards who were scattered all over it , when I heard the tap-tap of her feet in the distance together with a heavier , more measured tread .
24 Theophrastus spoke of the Jews as philosophers who had by now discarded human sacrifice and performed their holocausts while fasting and talking incessantly about God .
25 For instance , in British women who married before the age of 20 , the proportion of marriages that ended in divorce has been approximately double that of the marriages of women who married between 20 and 24 ( Office of Population Censuses and Surveys , 1978 ) .
26 Perhaps it would be better if the sport of boundary disputing was taken out of the hands of lawyers who are , by nature , adversarial .
27 Having examined the parliamentary history of sections 61 and 63 of the Finance Act 1976 , it was held that the parliamentary intention was that in-house benefits should be assessed for income tax on the basis of marginal costs to the employer and not as a proportion of the total costs incurred in providing the service both for the public and the employee ; that this effect applied to the education of the children of teachers who were employees ; and that section 63 of the 1976 Act should be construed accordingly .
28 That the Schools shall be conducted as heretofore on the principles of the Church of England , but not to the exclusion of the Children of Dissenters who desire to avail themselves thereof .
29 As we understand it , the Chancellor does not tax spirits more heavily because of their intrinsic properties nor because of the categories of persons who consume spirits , but because he considers that spirits face market circumstances which allow them to bear heavier taxes .
30 There are numerous examples in English wills throughout the centuries of men who were careful to make provision for their widows by insisting that children who inherited some property would allow their mother to stay somewhere comfortable for the rest of her life .
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