Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He longed for the austerities of the mission field .
2 The same procedure for verification was followed as for the records of the meetings .
3 For the disciples round the cross the words were the pronouncement of doom : the end of hope and meaning , the extinction of faith , defeat .
4 Meanwhile Welsh international Mark Titley and Newbridge wing Alun Harries were putting on a show for the selectors at the Bridgend Sevens in helping their invitation team ‘ The Welshmen ’ ( management includes Messrs. Ring and Webb ) to victory 22–16 against Llanharan in the Final .
5 This model has all the advantages of the earlier inflationary models , but it does not depend on a dubious phase transition , and it can moreover give a reasonable size for the fluctuations in the temperature of the microwave background that agrees with observation .
6 The directions are those that would be expected if the pigeons use the sun as a compass , making allowance for the movements of the sun through the day .
7 Progress was slow , but by the mid-eighteenth century success had been achieved in both methods of calculating longitude : the Greenwich astronomers had worked out the tables for the movements of the moon and an English watchmaker , John Harrison , had made a chronometer that kept such perfect time that it could meet the requirements of any sailor .
8 The test is a series of movements in walk , trot and canter and you get marked for the movements in the test .
9 ‘ Except for the findings of the inquest . ’
10 Lee was looking for the bits of the fence that were buried in the grass .
11 The General Secretariat carries out the decisions of the Council and provides financial and administrative services for the personnel of the League .
12 The nature of this particular situation added an emotional element that made the task even more difficult , and many subjective statements were made about the transformation , statements that appeared to reflect the concern of the analysts for the recipients of the service ( for instance , making old people comfortable in their last few years , and providing caring services for terminally old people ) .
13 4 Walk for the Forests of the World , Sponsored walks throughout the country organised by WWF to save our forests .
14 Walk for the Forests of the World with the WWF on October 4
15 Advertisements for the bonds in the USA had assured prospective buyers that they would not be required to disclose their identities or the source of their funds .
16 Your life expectancy as a male today is seventy four years , and for the females of the species , and we love them , your life expectancy is eighty years .
17 He surely recollects the precedents set in the steel and coal industries , in which the Community was involved in Europewide initiatives to limit the impact of the decline in demand for the products of the companies concerned .
18 It is , however , worth noting some symptomatic cracks in the uniformity of their scorn for the products of the Culture Industry .
19 Delegates called for the ARC to conduct urgent genetic research to find new uses for the products of the malt and barley industries .
20 which is more than can be said for the products of the human
21 But Land 's central thesis — that there may simply not be much of a market for the products from the work recommended by Alvey — does not stand up .
22 That displays an arrogant contempt for the wishes of the majority .
23 By refusing a referendum on Maastricht this Government has declared that it has no respect at all for the wishes of the electorate .
24 In this way , the company was guaranteed a yearly income and it could thus pursue a programme policy that was developed with little regard for the wishes of the audience .
25 Alejandro Mayta the revolutionary theorist who heads for the hills in the hope of joining a mass uprising comes over finally as a misguided almost pathetic figure .
26 You can ride in the mountains , play tennis and squash , go swimming , enjoy a round or two of mini-golf or simply head for the hills in the company of a guide and a picnic .
27 Whilst Wallis ' notion of ‘ cultural defence ’ has been utilised here in addition to , rather than in place of , Gusfield 's notion of ‘ status defence ’ in accounting for the activities of the NVALA , Wallis ' explanation is perhaps not as comprehensive as it might be .
28 While the regime tried to incorporate the notables into the ruling establishment , the refugee camps on both the West and East Banks became a focus for the activities of the Jordan Communist Party ( the Arab rump of the Palestine Communist Party ) , the Muslim Brotherhood and the Islamic Liberation Party , all of which were hostile to a settlement with Israel unless it included the right of the refugees to return to their homeland .
29 Unfortunately , there has been no money for the activities of the East Europe sub-group , which was to have built on the Presidential visits of the previous year .
30 Er but that were full of praise for the activities of the fire service in particular and whilst most was levelled out the N R A Southern Water to some extent District local authority er were coping incredibly well and continue to do so .
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