Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj] [noun] system [art] " in BNC.

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1 Unlike the previous financing system the school does not receive an allocation for each of these items but is allocated a lump sum and has the choice of how much to spend on each category .
2 As with the old rating system the occupier , normally the head of household , would be liable to pay .
3 Under the social security system no unemployment benefit is paid and entitlement to supplementary benefit will only arise when savings are below a predetermined level .
4 Under the old rating system the cost worked out at £7 per property .
5 Thus , with a prospective payment system the funding agency still can not control total expenditure , unless it can control the number of cases .
6 From the Regional Transmission System the gas is fed into networks which operate at a pressure of either seven or two bar .
7 We 're quite content that we 're going to have to er put before the local plan system the the countervailing issues and the weight that 's given to the countryside through E two is appropriate in the circumstances .
8 In the popular health system the community , the traditional healer and any other health worker involved with the community can be brought together to identify the reasons for these treatment choices and encourage people to compare experiences and outcomes .
9 Anywhere else in the British prison system the sight of inmates chatting openly with prison officers would be almost unthinkable .
10 In a manual drawing system the number of differing copies held within the store is limited by the physical effort and time that the draughtsman has available .
11 In an integrated software system the spreadsheets capabilities can also be applied to information stored in a data base , indeed some packages , Lotus 123 for example , treat data bases exactly like a spreadsheet .
12 Over the public address system the announcer was telling the crowd that as Manuel Caballeros and Andy Kyle had both scored a total of 273 , they had tied for the lead .
13 Well I think what people have said to me very often about the Community Charge is that they can see the er they can see the point of having a community charge which everybody pays and which actually brings in to the local taxation system the hundreds of thousands of people who were previously not paying any rates at all but were benefiting from local services .
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