Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj] [noun] [noun sg] an " in BNC.

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1 During the automatic processing stage an attempt was made to locate the targets indicated by the cross-references , and so validate them , and , where necessary modify them in the light of changes made to entries during automatic integration .
2 In the ornate portal of a mansion-block department store an old man with buttoned overcoat and brown burnished shoes stood talking at the rain .
3 In a recent case involving a driver of a heavy goods vehicle an oral promise was made by one of the driver 's managers that the driver , a Mr Rump , would not be required to work anywhere in the UK , as mentioned in his contract of employment , but only in the south of England because of special family ties .
4 They 've agreed they 're gon na use this federation one as a short stop gap an an I think Paul 's point is spot on , it might be a bit silly to jump in just at the moment
5 Square arrays and hexagonal arrays of circular or elliptical elements have been analysed by using classical elasticity with the complex variable method an by numerical methods .
6 In each location they negotiated with the social services department an agreement that any continuing clients would be supported by the social services department , either with community services or with a place in institutional care .
7 Through an atmospheric transport model an acidic deposition pattern for Europe is obtained .
8 I am concerned that I have recently received from the National Westminster Bank an invoice for £10.58 which they have debited from the Parish Council account for ‘ Audit Certificate Fee ’ , apparently on your instructions .
9 In the current business climate an increasing number of organisations are having to cope with reduced promotion opportunities , resulting from contraction or stabilisation of the workforce .
10 In June 1968 William Craig read out in Stormont lengthy extracts from a document published in the secret IRA journal An tÓglach ( the volunteer ) .
11 Yet there is here in the English highland zone an ancient Brigantian unity , later distinguished by the northern capital of the Roman Empire at York , concreted by the establishment of the boundary of Mercia-Northumbria and the specifically Norse occupation .
12 This sort of reading is only for the dedicated follower of the history of taste , though any reader particularly interested in a picture may find within a single catalogue entry an acutely discriminating judgement or interesting facts ; for example , Tietze 's entry also points out that Manet so much admired the Tintoretto self-portrait that he made a copy of it .
13 in a personal injury action an employee who claimed damages for loss of earnings or impaired earning capacity had , if so requested by his employer , to disclose the general medical records of the whole of his medical history to his employers ' medical advisers .
14 It also excluded the cost of elections , for these were a financial problem for the candidate , not for the local association ; in a large county division an election could cost as much as £2,000 , and even an unopposed return in a borough would cost a few hundred pounds to the lucky winner .
15 Nearly a hundred years ago there emerged from an obscure Suffolk parish an eight hundred year old manuscript book of the Gospels .
16 In 1872 he introduced at Victoria on the Metropolitan District Railway an automatic train-protection system whereby a red lens positioned in front of a white signal light was raised above it on actuation from an electrical contact only when the section ahead was clear .
17 Without a good traffic operation an agency flounders .
18 On deciding to become a candidate for election to a local government body an individual must ensure that he is qualified to be a candidate .
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