Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun sg] 's [noun sg] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He would probably do the latter , and hurry through the change of clothes which would prepare him for the half-hour 's weight-training which he did between ten forty-five and eleven fifteen every Tuesday and Friday .
2 For the King 's Theatre he composed five Italian operas , of which the first , Orione ( 1763 ) , and the last , La Clemenza di Scipione ( 1778 ) , were perhaps the most successful , and an oratorio Gioas , Rè di Giuda ( 1770 ) .
3 In fact on the day they signed the contracts with Wonderland for the King 's Hall they had just gone to No 1 in the charts with their new album .
4 I even walked to the hospital , rather than travelling in the car with my desperate parents , for the psychiatrist 's appointment which resulted in my ten-week enforced stay .
5 I should have been very glad of your society this last year , Maureen has been at the Royal College of Music , and I have been much alone , only for the animal 's company I do n't know what I should have done and poor Mr. Papworth [ a dog ] has been so ill we had to telephone a vet up at 2 a.m. one morning it was a funny night , Jack and I in our dressing gowns in the kitchen trying to comfort Mr. Papworth .
6 There 's another item of news , which erm , er Ron only got on the sixteenth August and it 's about the pre-congress pensioner 's march and rally , now the congress is held in Glasgow , so I think we were n't going to that one anyway , but it just giving details of erm the arrangements for the pensioner 's march which we usually have , we usually attend if it 's in the South anywhere , but that 's just for information .
7 Then Sutton , says he , got narked and asked Pilger why he had n't applied for the editor 's job himself .
8 The book says that , on the night Dr Bennett 's body was found , Dr Runcie was comforting Mr Derek Pattinson , general secretary of the synod , who had commissioned the preface for the church 's official Who 's Who .
9 The little tin house had been built for the friend 's father-in-law who had been the captain of the steamer based on inland Loch Awe .
10 But I sat in yesterday afternoon and I felt sorry for the man 's daughter who 'd been given a hymn the service .
11 A debtor whose goods were seized to pay a debt was also charged £70 for the bailiff 's van which collected the goods even though the van was already in the neighbourhood .
12 But for the sport 's elite there 's no doubting it 's tough at the top .
13 Some days after I 'd been to the supermarket for the week 's shopping I 'd be smashed , there 'd be nothing left .
14 At the beginning of the Secretary of State for the Environment 's speech there was a fusillade of Government interventions .
15 During the Queen 's visit they served sandwiches , cream cakes , iced tea and strawberries and cream to over 300 people .
16 Galley slave During the Admiral 's Cup he ( Lawrie Smith ) was released to be starving helmsman and tactician aboard the top-scoring Jamarella .
17 During the headmistress 's speech she had realized for the first time how little she knew of the world that lay beyond the school gates .
18 During the farmer 's eulogy I had been distractedly scratching the cow 's tail and had soiled my hand in the process .
19 Sometimes during the mate 's watch I took the wheel and learnt to steer .
20 During the parrot 's walkabout her eyes had been focused on the chocolate biscuit in silver paper protruding slightly from under Aunt Tossie 's third and last pillow .
21 The Quix supermarket had refused the box because they 'd ha although they 'd had it for a cert for quite a long time during the miner 's strike I think .
22 In her frequent role as the magician 's assistant she embodies all of these things , she gets in the box , she 's cut up and put back together .
23 As the team 's player/manager he may have been man of the match but even our ebullient was eclipsed by .
24 If you do n't tell them about the deposit cheque if you do n't tell them about the banker 's order they will say , Well just a minute Ron you did n't tell me that on the phone .
25 In a survey on shopping which I made a few years ago one of my student interviewers was questioning an old lady about the grocer 's shop she used .
26 There may be details about the patient 's condition which the doctor wishes to record , but not discuss in the presence of the patient .
27 I hung a left and wondered about the driver 's door which parted company with us as we struck a portside wall .
28 Just her regrets about the Rector 's wife who 'd had a miscarriage …
29 But we know something else about the bishop 's motive which he could not or would not say to Ramsey .
30 Through the radio 's crackle I think I hear a noise .
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