Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun sg] [noun pl] [noun sg] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We have nothing to add at the moment , ’ said a spokesperson for the betting shops association who advised bookies to withhold winnings after Jo N Jack 's success eight days ago .
2 I demurred , pointing out to Haines that as the chairman of the Newspaper Publishers Association I had been very careful to avoid interfering with press stories in any way .
3 He made the announcement in the Commons as he moved the second reading of the War Crimes Bill which makes prosecutions possible .
4 He made the announcement in the Commons as he moved the second reading of the War Crimes Bill which makes prosecutions possible .
5 Fortunately , that was in harmony with the thoughts of the ITF Rules Committee which had also met at Key Biscayne a few days earlier and had thrown out the idea of one serve instead of two … or changing the dimensions of the court , such as a smaller service box or a serving line a yard behind the baseline , but agreed to make further research into rackets , balls and court surfaces .
6 Denis Healey , nevertheless , had to contend with a wide range of critics , from socialists such as Benn who claimed that his successes resulted from such right-wing nostrums as a wage freeze and cutting public spending , to the monetarists of the Policy Studies Committee who attacked him for being far too dirigiste .
7 ‘ As chairman of the community services committee I believe I should go to see all the community centres in Belfast as Seamus Lynch did when he was chairman . ’
8 The work of head office now has a European dimension as the Open Market of 1993 approaches and CAMRA is a founding member of the Beer Consumers Union which seeks to support traditional beer styles in many countries and ward off greater concentration of ownership .
9 Mention should be made at this point of a responsibility of the Chemical Products business which is outside of the mainstream .
10 Calcutt , the son of a Home Counties chemist who won a Cambridge scholarship after a minor public school scholarship and then held down a successful practice at the Bar , has a common Great and Good pedigree .
11 On the other hand , what if , to take Posner 's example ( 1974 ) , an agency is called upon to regulate two opposing groups , like the Interstate Communications Commission who deal with truckers , railroads and bargees ?
12 This chapter gives some idea of the scope possible for a world religions course which is open , affirming and critical .
13 It had served as a community arts centre which ended in a dreadful financial muddle , with an unsavoury reputation among the town 's staider citizens , and a very popular bar which managed to lose money .
14 Now , with the Art Dealers Association you have a professional group that could call and say to the dealer , ‘ Listen , that picture is wrong .
15 It provoked rumblings of unrest from some trade unions , including the Fire Brigades Union which is fighting the present 1.5pc pay rise ceiling , at the TUC conference in Brighton .
16 They were really much more than just bike rides , for Granny , who lived with the family , had told her the story of St. George and given her books about Brownies , and Brenda rode along the country lanes make-believing she was the knight riding to rescue the princess from the dragon .
17 The parties might agree that , as against the vendor , Newco will take the benefit and burden of any deductions and payments under the capital goods regime which relate to intervals ending on the date of transfer of the capital items under the business sale agreement .
18 Any offices , shops , etc. , attached to the warehouse will be subject to approval and certification of the Fire Authority under the Fire Precautions Act which will require suitable provision for protected means of escape , the provisions of alarm systems , portable fire fighting equipment , possible emergency lighting etc. , and the maintenance of these routes free at all times , as well as assurance of the management responsibilities for regular evacuation drills , training etc .
19 Subsequent developments which further complicate the picture include the augmenting of the curriculum with an evolving programme of personal and social development ( PSD ) and the arrival of a new teacher armed with a study skills programme which he had experienced in his previous institution .
20 Some of them are renegades from the Dwarf Engineers Guild which frowns upon innovation and regards much of the Empire 's new technology as a heinous break with ancient tradition .
21 Porter , quoted by Hall , suggests that these IRCs are removing from the research councils money which should be allocated to ‘ responsive mode funding ’ ( researchers applying directly to the councils for research grants ) and basic research , because they were set up to foster research areas thought to have potential economic importance .
22 A difference of one thousand one hundred in the base dwellings stock which I 've not discussed and do n't propose to go into .
23 Moreover , although employers in the holiday camps sector themselves reserve the right to terminate seasonal workers ' employment before the end of the season when the site finally shuts down , they seldom have to exercise this right .
24 A witness in the family proceedings court who refuses to give evidence or produce any document once he gets to court may be committed to prison for a term not exceeding one month or fined up to £1,000 or both ( MCA , s97(4) ) .
25 In every prima facae case there are always anomalies if somebody is looking for them . ’
26 The house was broken into in the early hours of Friday morning and the intruders carried off the rock and pop CDs in a Head sports bag which they also stole from the house .
27 ( Until the landing of Apollo 16 in a highland plains area it was thought that the lunar highland plains might be of lava origin , but the discovery of copious quantities of brecchia indicates that the fairly level surface and the lower crater density than the surrounding highlands is probably because of an abundant fall of ejecta . )
28 But to the Country Landowners Association they 're vermin … wreaking havoc in woodland across Herefordshire , Worcestershire and Gloucestershire .
29 Before shaving , he rang his office and spoke to the woman police constable who acted as his secretary .
30 The picture sparked off a complaint to the Advertising Standards Authority which upheld the objection saying the ad was ‘ sexually explicit ’ .
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