Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun sg] [noun] [noun] who " in BNC.

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1 Some sort of dress rehearsal was clearly required for the Cypriot police officers who were only just coming to grips with wiretap technology , and , right on cue , one of Hurley 's informants passed the word that Abou Daod , a Lebanese drugs trafficker , was coming to Cyprus to set up a deal .
2 It 's a major boost for the North West club who regard Coulter as one of their most famous sons .
3 Er , there is an environmental officer for the North Tyneside Council who goes into schools and di and discusses things as well , there 's there 's there somebody
4 FOR US , was a good day out , but planning for the Summer Fayre started about eight months ago for the Summer Fayre committee who held their first meeting last October !
5 ‘ We have nothing to add at the moment , ’ said a spokesperson for the betting shops association who advised bookies to withhold winnings after Jo N Jack 's success eight days ago .
6 Chavez spent his life fighting for the migrant Latino labourers who toil in California 's dusty vineyards and lettuce fields .
7 No we actually just gone in and picked it out She was , she was actually erm a promo girl for the er for the dog food company who , who , who 's mobile the picture .
8 He had been apprehensive but had gone along with her idea all the same and now the small room was a regular haunt of the local foremen and managers , as well as a meeting-place for the trade union officials who held impromptu meetings over mugs of steaming hot tea and bacon sandwiches .
9 Some of these factors can be found in the descriptions provided by Robins ( 1966 ) of the childhood histories of the child guidance patients who later developed psychiatric problems .
10 A speculative report in the daily Critica said Major Moises Giroldi , the head of the elite Urraca battalion who spearheaded the coup attempt , had been killed in the dawn attack on the Defence Forces Headquarters .
11 I know it sounds crackers but we preferred it , " said one of the pit brow lasses who started working at the pit when she was fourteen and finished when the women 's work was abolished after nationalisation .
12 They come together regularly to discuss standards of recruitment and recruits in the area , as well as the standards of the management committee members who are involved with them in the interviewing process .
13 My only quarrel with the Duke was his choice of hard-luck stories although one had to admire the courage of the North Wales farmer who lives in a caravan having sold off the seven-bedroomed farm house to cut the farm 's borrowings .
14 My only quarrel with the Duke was his choice of hard-luck stories although one had to admire the courage of the North Wales farmer who lives in a caravan having sold off the seven-bedroomed farm house to cut the farm 's borrowings .
15 Finally , to the late , a long-standing member of the North East Division who would have been delighted to have seen me standing here today .
16 There is a nice link in this in that this year 's efforts have been started by one of the exam prize winners who has passed his prize back to be donated to Save the Children .
17 On their return to the beach , an hour 's flashing of torches was needed to catch the attention of the landing craft crews who had withdrawn too far from the beach according to one report .
18 Denis Healey , nevertheless , had to contend with a wide range of critics , from socialists such as Benn who claimed that his successes resulted from such right-wing nostrums as a wage freeze and cutting public spending , to the monetarists of the Policy Studies Committee who attacked him for being far too dirigiste .
19 For the account of the family portrait painter who ‘ did not spare his colours ’ , see Goldsmith 's The Vicar of Wakefield , chap .
20 At the other end of the age range employees who have not taken advantage of the incentives to contract out of the State Earnings Related Pension Scheme ( SERPS ) should do so before they dwindle away altogether .
21 Isotonic drinks The party is over Soviet statues The icons of communism topple Smart drugs Safe , legal and absolutely useless John Major First anniversary of the coup Gazza crop Who wants to look like a Roman emperor ?
22 It was only the resolute persistence of the dealer Samuel Woodburn who purchased the collection from the artist 's executor in 1834 , together with the support of the collector and academic the Revd Dr Henry Wellesley and the generosity of Lord Eldon that enabled part of the collection to be saved for the nation and for the new University Galleries , Oxford .
23 Some commentators suppose that there is a considerable Free Presbyterian presence in the lists of party activists because the leaders of the Party favour people who share their religious affiliation .
24 A. these two items are the responsibility of the Group Property Manager who is qualified to determine the necessary work .
25 The Collector 's face had assumed an alert expression , for the Padre was now addressing the godparents ; but his still wandering mind was harrowed by the thought of the gentle , pious Mr Bradley of the Post Office department who , only the day before , had been deprived of the evening of his life , and the afternoon as well , come to that .
26 In this , Ahmed Ashraf named two of the security police officers who had tortured him .
27 A People 's Daily editorial of Jan. 16 , 1990 , entitled Leadership must be in the hands of loyal Marxists , called for the dismissal of party leaders " who do not have a firm political stand or staunch political qualities " , while Qiao Shi ( a member of the politburo standing committee who had risen to prominence in the immediate aftermath of the Tiananmen massacre — see p. 36721 ) called for " particular efforts " to be made in strengthening party centralism and unity , and urged increased supervision over the implementation of central committee decisions at all levels .
28 That it should be Hampshire 's good fortune to see this show first was due to good friends of the Horseshoe Theatre Company who had heard there was such a musical and the linkage with the Horseshoe 's artistic director , Adrian Reynolds was made .
29 My thanks to all of the Area Council Members who all worked to make the event the success that it was , and to Ciaran Ryan , who took time out from a series of meetings to make the presentations .
30 At the top of the Shoulder of Mutton Hill is the Poet Stone , dedicated to the memory of the poet Edward Thomas who died at the battle of Arras in 1917 .
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