Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adv] important [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Poor Andy knew nothing about the fact that his bride was planning to sport shorts for the most important vows of her life .
2 There is little remaining woodland , but the area is well known for the ornithologically important areas of Chichester and Pagham Harbours .
3 This procedure is normally reserved for the more important examples of delegated legislation , particularly those with financial implications ( in which case , the affirmation of the House of Commons will be sought ) .
4 ‘ For to obviate the inconveniencies that might result from the too frequent communication with the out pupils the Professor will demonstrate to the latter only what might be useful to them as Surgeons and Physicians to the human body , such as the most important demonstrations of comparative anatomy as likewise experiences [ experiments ] on several animals , which could not be attempted on Man without imminent danger , and lastly , a comparison between epidemical and epizootic diseases — therefore the out pupils ought to be considered by the Society [ College ] as a separate Class : the consideration of which ought not to have any influence as to the situation of the establishments .
5 It has become apparent that the success of evolution theory in the late nineteenth century was not based on acceptance of what we now regard as the most important components of Darwin 's thinking .
6 Each differs in the outcomes which it selects as the most important ones to be studied .
7 Furthermore , these health visitors cited journal articles and the mass media as the most important influences for changing advice .
8 For many years prior to 1976 , foreign policy questions had headed Gallup polls as the most important issues in presidential campaigns , but all this had changed by 1980 .
9 In a long poem we expect to find breathing-spaces interspersed between the more important sections of the poem ; in The Prelude the real matter is the philosophy , and the narrative passages , as can be clearly seen here , are illustrations of it .
10 But it does much to dispel the prevailing confusion and , in our opinion , constitutes one of the most important treatments of the subject to date .
11 Good relations with the community are one of the most important prerequisites to the successful discharge of a policeman 's duty and it is incumbent upon all members to avail of every opportunity to help reconcile and heal the visions in the community .
12 On the last Saturday in August the Malhamdale Agricultural Show takes place here , one of the most important shows in the dale .
13 One of the most important limitations on statutory safeguards is the insistence that , to qualify for most rights , you must have built up a specified period of continuous employment .
14 By mapping networks of co-citing papers , and noting the journals within which such networks are published , it is possible to derive a list of the most important journals in a subject , without having any detailed knowledge of the subject field .
15 This transformation of professional climate may prove to be one of the most important legacies of The Primary Needs Programme .
16 With the restoration of Hampton Court Palace nearing completion , Trevor Barnes meets an American who has been asked to work on some of the most important recreations of Grinling Gibbons ' original carvings
17 One of the most important topics for pupils to be able to discuss explicitly is the difference between spoken and written English .
18 One of the most important factors for governments and forecasters will be how much money young and middle-aged people save for their old age while they are earning .
19 One of the most important factors for maintaining beautiful skin and a glowing complexion is good circulation .
20 A joint declaration issued in New Delhi and Moscow described the treaty as " one of the most important factors of peace and security in Asia and worldwide " .
21 One of the most important factors in any election campaign is finding out who is likely to vote for you — canvassing .
22 The ‘ one-to-one ’ nature of these discussions was one of the most important factors in the success of this spiritual enterprise .
23 An adequate , well-balanced diet is one of the most important factors in the maintenance of health in older people , and the lack of it is responsible for many preventable illnesses .
24 One of the most important factors in the way you deal with situations is your attitude towards yourself .
25 An article in the Nursing Times of 23 August 1957 , for example , stressed the importance of work as a cure for the ills of old age ( pp. 945–6 ) , followed four months later by one in the Nursing Mirror : ‘ Occupation is unquestionably one of the most important factors in preserving mental alertness and bodily health . ’
26 Thomson believes this code compiled approach to be a major advantage of the fuzzyTECH system , and one of the most important factors in the decision to team with Inform GmbH .
27 One of the most important factors in green manuring is to obtain good germination and rapid growth .
28 One of the most important factors in the creation of jobs during the lifetime of the Government has been the sharp reduction that we have achieved in the number of strikes .
29 It is now widely accepted that H pylori is one of the most important factors in the pathogenesis of duodenal ulcer disease .
30 Course measuring , which has been one of the most important areas of work in road racing over the past few years , has certainly not suffered for want of funding . ’
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