Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adv] [adj] [noun pl] the " in BNC.

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1 This seems to suggest that the enhancement in performance for the risky junctions as demonstrated by the P(A) scores is because of an increased number of hits for risky exemplars , whereas for the less risky junctions the decrement in performance is attributable to an increase in false alarms for the risky exemplars rather than an increase in hits for the less risky ones .
2 For risky junctions the risky exemplars show best recognition , while for the least risky junctions the result reverses .
3 Mark Moreso , one of the most talented boys the scheme will ever see , had a different problem .
4 However , the Sari , as a great increase ceremony , is one of the most dangerous rituals the Piaroa perform , and , as such , only a great ruwang and his wife may present it .
5 One of the most modern flotels the Holmia has twin cabins , a gym , cinema , recreation rooms and two saunas .
6 I mean Leonardo , without question one of the most outstanding geniuses the world has ever known — but he said that . ’
7 It was certainly one of the most surreal sights the Doctor had experienced in his many years of travelling .
8 In the latter part of the fourth century the last great emperor of the west , Theodosius , who was of Spanish origin , finally abolished the pagan Roman calendar with its hotchpotch of festivals , thereby severing one of the most familiar links the Romans had with their historic past .
9 One of the most positive things the Catholic Church had done for screwing was trying to stamp it out .
10 The chairman of its Scottish council , Dr Mac Armstrong , told a press conference in Edinburgh : ‘ This should be one of the most exciting enterprises the NHS has ever engaged in but the enthusiasm for this initiative — which is there — may turn to scepticism because of the Government 's commitment to it . ’
11 The 75th anniversary flypast is one of the most ambitious displays the RAF has ever staged , ivolving more than a third of it 's aircraft .
12 One of the most important things the VBK did was to start a privately-run school of art for women in 1868 .
13 One of the most important things the Cichlid keeper must learn is patience !
14 One of the most important concerns the ending , which was to have been based on an Old Believer melody Mussorgsky had taken down from a friend .
15 One of the most valuable lessons the Party had learnt during the initial twenty years of land reform was that socialism could only be achieved through stages .
16 The conciliar stress upon it was not new and the Decree on the Lay Apostolate is one of the less advanced texts the Council produced .
17 Of the more ancient languages the local historian will encounter in the course of his studies , Old French ( Anglo-Norman ) will be the least important .
18 ‘ Now is n't dat Irish , Mr Sanders ? ’ he exclaimed enjoying the joke on himself , which was one of the more agreeable characteristics the Irish had in common with the English .
19 OF THE more common festivals the most interesting of those mentioned in the Stamford Mercury is Plough Monday , which is reported during the mid-nineteenth century .
20 With the more profitable firms the differential between the main companies rate and the individual higher rate is only 7% .
21 Under the most northern conditions the Quelea of Mauritania breeds in exceptionally short rainy seasons .
22 He he 's arguing I think on a basis of , of the experience of the past few years that the situation now in China was a , was a rather variable one , that land reform had proceeded at different rates in different areas and because areas where different that had to be taken into account and Mao explicitly was going back to the idea that in the newly liberated areas the policy would be one of rent reduction , interest rate reduction and that rent and interest rate reduction had to be established for some time until the position had consolidated around rent reduction , around interest rate reduction and once that had happened you would then be able to go into land reform itself .
23 In the double glazed bedrooms the dark wood furnishings are modern and stylish , with a hair dryer provided in the bathrooms .
24 in the most efficient groups the supervisor assumed the leadership role and used his supervisory talents to get the best out of his group .
25 The views of the electorate can be registered only very occasionally , if at all , and in the most general terms the side of the political spectrum they fall on is identified .
26 Nor is it quite obvious on second thoughts that even in the most literal usages the visual metaphor is wholly dead ; however accurately ‘ insight ’ may be defined in a dictionary , could I handle the word with any confidence without being guided by its grammatical and semantic affinities with ‘ sight ’ ?
27 In the most extreme cases the existing building is so different from the ‘ historic ’ pub concept that a virtual rebuild is proposed .
28 Mr. Josse said Youngman was not involved in the more serious injuries the officer received , but his behaviour incited another man who behaved irresponsibly .
29 In the more generalized insects the wall of the head-capsule is reinforced by a number of inflected ridges or sulci which occupy relatively constant positions and delimit to some extent the morphological areas into which the wall of the head can be divided ( Figs. 5,6 ) .
30 In the more generalized insects the antennae are filiform and many-segmented , the segments being equal or sub-equal in size .
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