Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adv] [adj] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The experience which Anderson gained while working directly for the newly independent governments of Africa made him uniquely well placed for his second career , in the field of development co-operation .
2 The International Law Commission concluded that ‘ modern doctrine is … in overwhelming agreement that the representing State should not , as such , be answerable for the internationally wrongful acts of the represented State ’ .
3 The average salary for the nearly 700 players on the 26 teams tops $1 million a year for the first time .
4 Paradoxically , however , as well as becoming the classical place of banishment , Siberia was also fast developing into a haven and a land of freedom and opportunity for the steadily increasing numbers of refugees fleeing from the oppressive social , economic and political policies of St Petersburg .
5 C. P. Snow may not have delineated the cultural divide until 1959 ; but commentators still return to Victorian England for the most potent illustrations of desiccated , materialistic science set against the life of the imagination .
6 Under the Bill , whipping was to be abolished as a punishment ordered by the courts , being retained only in prisons ( but not in borstals ) as a penalty for the most serious infringements of prison discipline .
7 Like most Romanians , who were not in a position to exercise any discretion in the matter , the couple had an almost slavish regard for the most commercialized features of capitalist culture .
8 It should also be pointed out that this is the pattern for the most usual spellings for the other vowel and diphthong sounds :
9 The failure to conclude the Uruguay Round had injected uncertainty into the international trade system , causing trade disputes to resurface , and had led to the " impression that there is one law for the most powerful members of GATT and quite another for all the rest " .
10 The stalemate among the 39 participating countries was gradually broken in the late 1980s as relations between the superpowers improved [ for the most recent developments on the negotiations , see pp. 38217 ; R153 ; 38986 ] .
11 The ASP rule-book asked the judges to look for the most radical manoeuvres in the most critical section of the wave ( that is , nearest the curl ) .
12 But I do not believe that these trends fundamentally affect my case , for the most radical criticisms of medicine come , not from such illness groups , but from ‘ minorities ’ who have seen medical dominance as reproducing the class relations which have brought about their oppressed status , e. g. radical women 's movements and black urban Americans .
13 By not considering the results of case management practice and research in greater depth and learning more about the value it has for the most needy clients of the health and welfare system , we are in danger of failing to learn the lessons which others have learned , and of having to re-live their mistakes .
14 Fruit squash-makers Kia-ora are again backing the week , providing cash prizes for the most deserving playgroups in the PPA awards later in the year .
15 America Online Inc is challenging Prodigy Services Co , which just announced plans to charge usage fees for the most heavily-used databases on its viewdata service , by cutting prices to its own 250,000 subscribers : the company says it deliberately waited until after the Prodigy announcement to disclose its new pricing , hoping to maximise attention for its move and woo subscribers away from the IBM Corp-Sears , Roebuck & Co joint venture ; under its new plan , subscribers will pay $9.95 a month for five hours of access to all its services , a rate that it claims is less than half the price of Prodigy 's new tariff ; extra hours will cost $3.50 each ; at Prodigy , subscribers pay $14.95 a month for unlimited access to many of the features but from July 1 will pay surcharges after spending two hours on widely-used bulletin boards .
17 Before he succeeded Balfour then , Law was not associated with any of the features that were to characterize his party leadership ; his contribution was to use the leadership in the service of all of these causes , to make himself the spokesman for the most spirited sections of the party .
18 When the Dada brochure , Cabaret Voltaire , was published in June 1916 it was ‘ a catch-all for the most diverse directions in art which at that time seemed to us to constitute ‘ Dada ’ . ’
19 But as a consequence , he will now face the sort of brutal attention reserved for the most lauded players in Serie A — the sort of stern treatment Lineker himself encountered and overcame in his successful time in Spain with Barcelona .
20 They must always be seen to have sufficient room in which to manoeuvre if they are to create a spaciousness for the most difficult changes in épaulement as pose follows pose .
21 There is a tendency for the most positive attitudes to be held by the primary school teachers , and the least positive by the secondary school teachers .
22 It multiplied capital punishment for the most wretched categories of offenders .
23 Poor Andy knew nothing about the fact that his bride was planning to sport shorts for the most important vows of her life .
24 Given the triumph of fundamentalist Islam in Iran and the strength of similar forces in Afghanistan , many who saw no justification for Soviet intervention in law in 1979 could see one on grounds of ‘ national security ’ : much as such justifications were offered for the flagrantly illegal annexations of western Poland , the Baltic republics , Bessarabia , northern Bukovina and parts of Finnish territory in 1939–40 .
25 So if you 're a third man , or a third woman for that matter , look out for the specially selected hotels at which you can make some fantastic savings when a third person shares a room .
26 Thus , as Richard Lewontin put it , ‘ it is then unnecessary to give a specifically adaptive reason for the extremely large antlers of deer ’ ( Box 1 ) .
27 The Logic neither strives for the predictably balanced loads of the Hotpoint Micro Profile 1400 De Luxe , nor offers the cheap frill of an accessible pump like the Philips Elite .
28 This in itself sets the scene for the unbelievably complicated efforts of religious leaders and scholars to define just who Jesus Christ was .
29 Biomorph is the name coined by Desmond Morris for the vaguely animal-like shapes in his surrealist paintings .
30 If I may anticipate a point which , I know from experience , the hon. Member for Oldham , West ( Mr. Meacher ) may in due course seek to make , those increases mean that , when looked at alongside the extra help that we have made available in the past four years through income-related benefits for the less well-off families with children , which will amount to some £600 million next year , total expenditure on help to families next year will be higher than if we had simply increased child benefit each year since 1987-88 .
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