Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj] [det] [noun pl] before " in BNC.

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1 The pension in these schemes is generally based on 1/80th of your earnings for the last few years before retirement , plus a lump sum of 3/80ths of the same earnings .
2 During the last few days before the event , as spectators arrived from , Ayrshire was busier than it had ever been in its history .
3 He studied the English copy for a few more moments before dropping it into the shredder .
4 It is a good idea to do this for a few more days before the horse travels .
5 Most of the swing to the Conservatives between the summer of 1986 and the summer of 1987 occurred during the winter of 1986–7 , and there was relatively little swing in the last few months before the election .
6 Most of the swing back to the government occurred during the winter of 1986–7 and there was relatively little swing in the last few months before the election .
7 But in the last few years before the war , a new military mentality had dominated French planning , the leading exponent of which was Colonel de Grandmaison , Director of Military Operations .
8 Entries are flowing in — a limit of 2000 has been set — but Malcolm Barham , of the race organisers , says things generally hot up in the last few days before the closing date , which is April 10 .
9 He had installed her in a cottage on East Street and in the last few days before the wedding she had worked all hours to spicken the place up and turn it into a home for him .
10 In the last few days before the coup , Mossadeq assumed more and more dictatorial powers .
11 Despite the brisk sales reported in the last few days before Christmas , December saw a small decline in retail trade compared with the previous year , according to the Confederation of British Industry 's distributive trades panel , said on Tuesday that many retailers had reported a disappointing Christmas , although the results were an improvement on recent months and sales in January were expected to be up on a year ago .
12 The bomb blasts and scares were a major irritation for London retailers as streets were cordoned off and buildings evacuated , but there was strong trading in the last few days before Christmas , now an established feature of the London retail scene .
13 The two councillors are to monitor the situation over the next few days before seeking a meeting with the RUC 's assistant Chief Constable .
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