Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj] [noun pl] or so " in BNC.

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1 For the thirty seconds or so that the video lasted , John was alive , but I could n't hold on to it for any longer than that .
2 For the first years or so of the war , oil and gas operations , setting aside the damaged Gulf terminals and the dislocation of the northern pipeline , continued very much as during the previous decade .
3 King cobras curl around their pile of eggs , encircling it with their coils , and crocodiles stay alongside their nest of decaying vegetation for the two months or so that it takes the eggs within to hatch .
4 The most remarkable of these long-established families were the Boulters who had established no fewer than eight different households during the 100 years or so that they had lived in Wigston .
5 The second is a historical observation , that during the thirty years or so since the first observations of single cell response properties in the visual systems of mammals , our understanding of how the visual system works has been driven as much by theoretical developments in the psychology of perception as the other way round .
6 During the hundred years or so after Constantine Christianity could be a passport to office , power , and wealth .
7 DURING the two months or so before the first shots were fired in the Gulf , the dollar rose .
8 They do this by guarding the female , staying close to her during the ten days or so when she is fertile .
9 After a hundred miles or so , she came off the motorway to pick up fuel and drink a cup of coffee .
10 The nose-wheel is normally lifted at seventy knots to rotate at ninety , but because of the wind I held her down to 95 for a clean lift-off at a hundred after a run of a thousand yards or so .
11 There is evidence that , in living species too , ‘ fossil genes ’ occasionally come into their own again , and are re-used after lying dormant for a million years or so .
12 That the cripple lived near the stream there was no doubt because his crutch prints were heavily marked on the path for a hundred paces or so as though he often came there , but beyond that point there were none .
13 Certainly , it was quite a strenuous walk — though I can say it failed to cause me any real difficulty — the path rising in zigzags up the hillside for a hundred yards or so .
14 Scientific and technological advances will help the world deal with greenhouse gases , but not for a hundred years or so .
15 For a hundred years or so before the birth of Jesus , Palestine had been under the rule of the Romans .
16 The wild boar had been hiding behind a large and actually rather unconvincing bush for a hundred years or so .
17 As this did not seem adequately to reach them , " In this country , we have only generally had waterborne sewage for a hundred years or so .
18 ‘ Just for a few days or so … something to ease the pain ? ’
19 As we pulled up at the lights , he leaped out , kicked the wheel cap back into place , grinned and said , ‘ Thanks , it happens about every two years or so , ’ got back in his car , then signalled equally wildly for me to wind down my window .
20 The first is that some 600,000 debt cases ( that is , all types of unpaid debt , including rent and fuel bills as well as unmet credit obligations ) have had to be settled in court each year : that 's one for every 30 families or so .
21 The waiters do n't have menus , they come and shout at you and if you 're sitting ‘ upstairs ’ on the ground floor , as opposed to the much more plebby basement , then they turn the lights off every twenty minutes or so and all the diners have to dance by candlelight for two minutes whether they want to or not .
22 The course was designed to increase the times from the 100 seconds or so we usually get at Peterborough with one section working upstream on the jet .
23 Pompeii , approximately eight kilometres from Vesuvius , was buried over three metres deep in pumice in A.D. 79 , and the total volume ejected in the forty-eight hours or so of that eruption was probably about three cubic kilometres .
24 This method has been used with success in the study of the coinage of archaic and classical Greece , where , for instance , the evidence of several large hoards has enabled a fairly detailed sequence and chronology to be established for the earliest Greek silver coins , made in the fifty years or so before about 475BC .
25 For the later prehistoric period , rather more evidence is now available from Dartmoor and the major river valleys of what early landscapes looked like in the 2000 years or so before the Roman Conquest , and how such early arrangements conditioned the later , more easily recognised , post-Roman countryside .
26 It has assembled a team of scientists , engineers and railway experts to build a modern steam engine that will take advantage of all the advances in technology in the 30 years or so since the last US steam engines were built .
27 However , the UCTA is so intimately connected with the process of negotiation and drafting in the areas covered by the next four chapters that , as a preliminary to detailed analysis of the precedents , it was felt essential to lay out the principles contained in the UCTA and discuss their application in the light of the case law that has evolved in the 15 years or so since the UCTA came into effect .
28 In the twenty minutes or so it took them to reach the outskirts of Mariánské Láznë , Fabia basked in the warmth of her happy memories of her splendid morning .
29 In the three years or so that I have been working at Joan Allen Electronics I have become acutely aware of battery problems , in particular from the many cases where detectors have been sent back for repair needlessly .
30 Um , said Tor , but then went on to explain that only a week or two before he had been within a hundred metres or so of a school of orca .
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