Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj] [noun pl] that the " in BNC.

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1 Instead , the talks should examine seriously the problem of underpayment for the major commodities that the third world countries produce , which would be a step forward .
2 The surveyor accepts responsibility to the client alone for the stated purposes that the report will be prepared with the skill , care and diligence reasonably to be expected of a competent chartered surveyor , but accepts no responsibility whatsoever to any person other than the client himself .
3 The surveyor accepts responsibility to the applicant and the society only for the stated purposes that the report will be prepared with the skill , care and diligence reasonably to be expected of a competent chartered surveyor , but accepts no responsibility whatsoever to any person other than the applicant and the society .
4 The surveyor accepts responsibility to the client and the society only for the stated purposes that the report will be prepared with skill , care and diligence reasonably to be expected of a competent chartered surveyor , but accepts no responsibility whatsoever to any person other than the client and the society .
5 It is commonplace for what seems to be a general accord to disintegrate once the drafting exercise is attempted for the simple reasons that the specific expression of detailed terms may reveal misunderstandings between the parties or areas of previously unexplored contention .
6 As he will be aware , in June the United States Government had a sum of , I think , $21 million which had been earmarked for military aid set aside for the very purposes that the hon. Gentleman suggests .
7 Sir John Wolfenden , the then vice-chancellor of Reading University , was chosen to be its Chairman , a job which he was to hold for the three years that the Committee took to produce its Report .
8 For the same reasons that the female is more likely to acquire infection in the throat than her male sexual partner , the homosexual male who practises oral sex is more likely to be infected in the throat than his heterosexual equivalent .
9 To obtain this information , one measures their geometrical ‘ parallax ’ , the tiny distance by which they appear to move against the background of the farthest stars during the six months that the Earth takes to move to the opposite side of the Sun .
10 During the six years that the Century Guild existed its output was modest , though its participation in public exhibitions gave it a considerable influence .
11 It should also be remembered that during the 14 years that the African elephant was listed on Appendix II , some 700,000 elephants were slaughtered .
12 The public would be excluded from most of the new site during the 10-14 years that the trees were growing .
13 On Jan. 16 the round table talks immediately ran into problems when the UDF representatives accused the BCP of reneging on promises made during the preliminary discussions that the opposition would be allowed its own newspaper and access to state television and radio , and that a building would be handed over for use as a UDF headquarters .
14 He remembered that they had forgotten about dusk and about twilight on Renascia and about the strange tricks that the shadows could play .
15 The exhibition continues into twentieth-century painting with works of Futurism , the Cubist-Futurist Russians , American Cubism , Precisionism represented by Charles Demuth and Charles Sheeler and thence on through the various transformations that the art of this century has seen .
16 The Medical Research Council will no doubt consider particular claims on scientific merits to counter the fact that Britain has achieved great success in science because of the increasing sums that the Government have made available for that purpose .
17 Failure to keep their friends in office would rapidly doom the Cunningham interest in these burghs to extinction , as councillors and trades voters started to reconsider their former loyalties and to listen to the argument of the Haldane partisans that the colonel had the ear of government .
18 He therefore had a lively sense of what the Library 's readers expect and require , and of the scholarly standards that the Library must maintain .
19 All Saints showed one of the major problems that the health service will face over the next years .
20 One of the major obstacles that the railway faced was the crossing of the main A48 Gloucester to Newport and Cardiff trunk-road , which requires at least two members of staff on duty for the busy level crossing in the town .
21 This seems unlikely in view of the overwhelming claim of the early authorities that the Gospel was written in Rome .
22 The Law Commission nevertheless recommended the retention of the offence for use against fighting , principally because of the procedural advantages that the offence possesses for the prosecutor .
23 Frank came up with his idea of muonic atoms and the consequent possibility of cold fusion as the result of a picture of the cosmic particles that the Bristol physicists had obtained .
24 Next time , you , your daughter , your grand-daughter or just a neighbour is pregnant , you could think of the thirty-odd years that the NCT has spent safeguarding the interests of parents and babies , and you could get out your cheque book .
25 Set up four months ago , it consists of a couple of corrugated iron buildings surrounded by the twig shelters of the 3000 families that the government says live there .
26 Had butterflies been colour-blind and bees without a delicate sense of smell , man would have been denied some of the greatest delights that the natural world has to offer .
27 The climax came with a Jubilee Rally in the Guildhall , Cambridge , organised by the District Office and attended by over six hundred people : ‘ universally agreed to be one of the finest meetings that the District has ever seen ’ , according to the Bulletin of the Fenland Federation .
28 This is just one of the many services that the University recognises is best run by the students .
29 And as one walks down the precipitous towpath there on the right is the stepping spread of side ponds and beyond that the overgrown remains of ‘ one of the many freaks that the mechanical age has produced ’ , as Rolt describes rather ungraciously the inclined plane that has gained for Foxton an entry in the ‘ Encyclopaedia Britannica ’ .
30 The story actually started when Kylie admitted that she had lost weight after joining Neighbours because of the gruelling schedules that the series demanded .
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