Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj] [noun pl] in a " in BNC.

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1 For the best results in a given situation , archaeologists and radiocarbon scientists must work together , from the planning of a sampling strategy to the interpretation of the results .
2 The resulting set of lists — which are , in effect , indexes — is shown in Fig. 8.2 for the same records in a data file that have already been shown in Fig.8.1 .
3 But it was left to Oxford Hawks in the gold shirts and Gloucester City in the red to battle it out for the minor places in a Central South derby .
4 Anyway , that is the case and Gamow showed that the quantitative formalism accounted for the experimental results in a highly satisfactory manner .
5 It was far from easy to predict that the seamen would repeat the role which they had assumed in I887 as the prime movers in a wave of industrial unrest almost as notable in labour history as the period encompassing the Great London Dock Strike and the three years that followed .
6 The diplomatic initiatives of 1958 will be discussed in later chapters , since they were plainly envisaged as the first steps in a long-term strategy .
7 Yet they were alike : Viola was a shade darker in skin and hair but the features were similar enough for there to be little difference between the two women in a picture .
8 Those students making this mistake should practise saying coward and card within the same space of time ; observing that the different between the two lies in a slightly more forward a element , followed by slight tension in the lips for coward , while the lip position is static for card .
9 We asked you to choose between the two Royals in a fun phone-in .
10 Accordingly , on many occasions the choice of a collector became in itself a trial of strength between the political interests in a county , not only because of the intrinsic attractions of the office itself , but because the collector would be involved in the production of the certificates of valuation required as part of the documentation to be produced for claimants seeking admission to the freeholders roll .
11 Executive power would be shared between the leading parties in a supreme council of three to five members .
12 Her latest film Romuald et Juliette is about the extraordinary goings-on in a yoghurt manufacturing company which brings together the white boss and the Black night-cleaner who saves his bacon .
13 I first go through the odd numbers in a seemingly random fashion 1 , 5,3,7 , 11 , 9 and then downwards with the even numbers 12 , 8 , 10 , 6,2,4 .
14 The water will be recycled back into the lake through the reversible turbines in a system known as " pump-storage " .
15 The Liberal Party , no longer a serious political challenger by the late 1920s , meandered through the inter-war years in a state of deep division and shock .
16 A more contemporary example of this problem facing the police when they have to decide upon the choice between seeking to ban a procession or to protect and facilitate its progress is well illustrated by the events of Saturday 13 August 1977 in Lewisham , when the National Front marched through the busy streets in a provocative manner , much to the distress and anger of local residents , particularly those belonging to ethnic minorities .
17 only agree of a single claim item subject to a satisfactory overall settlement : a skilled negotiator can pick off the strong points in a claim and attempt to buy them cheaply
18 Then he said I should see whether that was so after a hundred years in a glass coffin .
19 Presumably , the closer the referents of the familiar terms in a domain are to the potential referent of an unfamiliar word , the more specific are the inferences that children can legitimately make .
20 Indeed , there is a sense in which most of the working genes in a body can be said to cooperate with each other as a team , because over evolutionary time they ( i.e. ancestral copies of themselves ) have each been part of the environment in which natural selection has worked on the others .
21 Thus , if making a rapid survey of the major elements in a group of coins , one might use X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy or a scanning electron microscope .
22 One of the major difficulties in a cruelty case , is amassing the evidence .
23 The previous tournament in New Zealand was one of the major highlights in a 60-cap career .
24 It follows from this that in a recognition test subjects will find it extremely difficult to distinguish one of the early sentences in a passage from similar sentences which mean the same .
25 The nuns were some of the best doctors in a Europe and saved may a person from death but old Henry put paid to them , flattening the convent and pillaging its treasures .
26 Paul Savage , who has already won Irish championships at novice and intermediate level with Queen 's University , is one of the best prospects in a long time to come ‘ up the road ’ to Hay Island .
27 Members of the upper strata in a meritocracy deserve their position ; their privileges are based on merit .
28 Further , some at least of the influential individuals in a community may operate outside the field of industrial relations : drawing on the work of Blauner ( 1960 ) , Bulmer suggests that the strong occupational communities characteristic of mining settlements occur because the social relations forged in the workplace are carried over into the arenas of non-work activity , creating overlapping primary group affiliations in which
29 This is partly analogous with the origin of the jet-like eddies in a wake ( Fig. 21.10 ) discussed in Section 21.4 , except that it may not be so much an instability of the mean velocity profile as an instability of a profile itself temporarily generated by the turbulent fluctuations .
30 Because the weather was raw and foggy she spent most of the intervening hours in a nearby house , which had been commandeered by the army for the use of resident and non-resident FANY drivers .
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