Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj] [noun pl] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 As its name implies , the Via Militaris was a major line of communication for the Roman armies defending the eastern frontier , and as a stage in one of the links between Italy and Byzantium it already had an important role to play in the vital intercourse between the eastern and western halves of the empire .
2 Before the fungus kills the fly , it attacks its nervous system , changing its behaviour so that it climbs to the top of the plant , puts its head down to attach its proboscis to the leaf , and sticks its abdomen up into the air , ready for the passing breezes to take the spores away when they are released .
3 she never finished her explanations of formulae because she used to stop halfway through for the cleverest girls to give the answer .
4 To wit , the kind of speed on to man and ball and to the breakdown which would in itself render it a great deal more difficult for the All Blacks to make the Lions ' pack look heavy-footed to the point of statuesque .
5 By then , the Cold War was well under way and it was strategically expedient for the western powers to ensure the permanence of a stable anti-communist regime on Europe 's southern flank .
6 It would have been humanly impossible for the early Christians to alter the economic base of the whole Roman Empire .
7 The core programme for the College-based modules requires the study of key managerial disciplines including Managing Resources , People , Operations , Markets , Information Skills , Strategic Change , Strategic Information and Strategy .
8 Thus a proposed pit closure threatened the economic base of the entire community ; an absence of work for the male adults meant the destruction of every family 's economic foundation , for very few women ( save a few who worked in village shops etc. ) had either jobs or the local opportunities of jobs .
9 This file should contain the responses the user would have given to the prompts for the relevant options had the system been used interactively as described below .
10 This file should contain the responses the user would have given to the prompts for the relevant options had the system been used interactively .
11 One such initiative is the Arts Multimedia Centre , due to be opened in February 1993 , which will provide opportunities for the European languages to follow the lead given by Japanese in the development of computer assisted language learning .
12 The deviation of the average Madeira composition from the correlation for the other islands supports the view that the origins of the Madeira magmas are distinct in being derived by small degrees of partial melting at high pressure in the garnet stability field , as garnet would cause fractionation of the rare earth elements .
13 Now it should be re-named the ‘ Oil City ’ , since its shops and industries are booming as the main base for the many services supplying the oil wells of the North Sea and their workers .
14 Support for the new governors undertaking the management was without equal .
15 Carbon dioxide generation for the Tertiary coals follows the same trend as that for the Palaeozoic coals , though the yield is only about half .
16 In addition , ‘ WONDERS ’ paid the Hermitage more than $200,000 for the exhibition , and for the Russian curators to write the catalogue .
17 She argued that if the second statement in a pair contained a negative then it would be more natural for the meaning of the two statements to be different , whereas if the two statements were both affirmative it would be more natural for the two statements to have the same meaning .
18 But in many cases , increased security measures simply lead to a greater thrill for the would-be shoplifters creating the opposite of the desired effect as thieves become more determined to steal .
19 No anomalous migration is seen for the unbound fragments confirming the absence of intrinsic curvature or bends in the GMSA probes used .
20 That 's the call for the leading hands to collect the rations from the rum bosun .
21 It may also make little sense for the social services to sever the birth links of say a ten or eleven year old , when the law gives that child the right on reaching the age of eighteen to seek out the birth parents and relatives .
22 By far the most effective arrangements presently available are those which : ( 1 ) provide for the continuing partners to have the option to acquire the share in the firm of an outgoing partner ( which overcomes the tax problems noted in Chapter 10 and offers some desirable freedom of manoeuvre to the continuing partners without ordinarily causing any disadvantage to the outgoing partner ) ; ( 2 ) finance the purchase of the share of a partner who dies before retirement by way of insurance effected on the lives of each of the partners the proceeds of which are declared to be held on trust for the partners for the time being ; ( 3 ) finance by endowment insurance the purchase of the shares of partners whose retirement can be predicted ; ( 4 ) ensure that in any case which is not or can not be sufficiently covered by available insurance ( eg payments to a partner who is expelled or who otherwise leaves the firm before normal retirement date ) payment of any capital sum is spread over a period so to reduce the burden on the continuing partners without imposing any great hardship on the outgoing partner or his estate ; and ( 5 ) impose on each partner an obligation ( Clause 14.02 ) to take out adequate ( as discussed with all the partners from time to time ) retirement provision for the benefit of himself and his familyso as not to impose any burden in that respect on the firm , which in former times would have accepted responsibility .
23 The financial strain on the firm can be eased by : ( 1 ) effecting sufficient insurance cover ( see Chapter 5 ) ; ( 2 ) the inclusion of suitable provisions ( Clause 20 ) in the partnership deed clearly setting out the procedures to be adopted for the continuing partners to have the option to purchase the deceased 's share from his estate on an appropriate time scale or providing for an automatic accruer to the surviving partners ; ( 3 ) the inclusion of provisions in the deceased 's will enlarging the discretion of the personal representatives as to the time for realisation of assets in the estate and generally as to arrangements which may be concluded with the continuing partners ; and ( 4 ) where ( which is not unusual ) one of the personal representatives is a continuing partner , the inclusion in the will of specific authority for that partner in his capacity as personal representative and trustee to conclude agreements with the firm .
24 Except for the few slats supporting the tank , all the shelves in the cupboard can be removed in a moment , making access really easy .
25 It would co-ordinate the economic adjustments needed for the three countries to join the European Communities ( EC ) [ for December 1991 association agreements see p. 38680 ] .
26 Students are not eligible under this scheme if they : have not been ordinarily resident within the European Community for the three years preceding the start of their course at the University ; or are on an exchange programme where fees are waived ; or have attended a course normally lasting more than two years and have received a UK statutory award for this study .
27 But solicitors for the reluctant buyers say the car was not built to the original specification .
28 For comparison the accounting policies proposed by the MAS / purchaser 's accountants for the same companies following the due diligence exercise are set out in B below .
29 Example 2:6 Right of way : unlimited times and vehicles The right in common with the landlord and all others having the like right to pass and repass ( but not to park or except in emergency to stop ) with or without vehicles at all times and for all purposes connected with the use of the demised property ( but not otherwise ) over the road coloured on the attached plan Example 2:7 Right of way : limited times and vehicles ; right to load , etc The right in common with the landlord and all others having the like right to pass and repass on foot and with vehicles not exceeding … feet in length or … tonnes ( unladen weight ) at any time between 6 am on Monday and 8 pm on Friday in each week ( except public holidays ) for all purposes connected with the use of the demised property ( but not otherwise ) over the road coloured on the attached plan and to park any such vehicle for such period as may be reasonable for the purpose only of loading or unloading it Example 2:8 Right of way : right to load etc in loading bay The right at all times with or without vehicles to pass and repass over the road leading from to the demised property ( but not to halt or park any vehicle thereon except in case of emergency ) for all purposes connected with the use of the demised property and the right for the same purposes to use the loading bay coloured on the attached plan for loading and unloading any such vehicle ( b ) Stairs and passages In a lease of property on an upper floor of a building there will be implied an easement of necessity to use a staircase that is its sole means of access ( Altmann v Boatman ( 1963 ) 186 EG 109 ) .
30 It is clear to me that as this only affects a small proportion of the membership and there are good strategic reasons for the larger firms to back the proposal ( eg the demise of the smaller practice ) , unless general practitioners take action now they will only have themselves to blame when their incomes fall and the value of their practices diminishes .
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