Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj] [noun pl] [noun] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But the nostalgia invokes the mythic existence of an interdependent and mutually supportive working class that was then broken up and scattered geographically forfeiting its cohesion and everyday solidarity for the false promises amenities an material improvements trading off its hopes of new of a truly better world for a bigger share in the spoils of the old one and the new fruits of the consumer society .
2 During the Seven Years War the Austrian army is said to have lost over 62,000 men in this way , that of France about 70,000 , and that of Prussia about 80,000 .
3 A year later Frederick I of Prussia ordered that in future deserters should have their nose and one of their ears cut off and be sent to hard labour for life , while after the Seven Years War a chain of military posts was set up on France 's frontiers to prevent the escape abroad of soldiers fleeing from their units .
4 The European balance of power was thus after the Seven Years War a more subtle problem in many ways than in the first half of the century .
5 Shortly afterwards , another golfing-designed stamp was issued in memory of Mildred " Babe " Zaharias , one of the greatest women golfers the game has known , and a founder/charter member of the American Ladies ' Professional Golfing Association .
6 Despite the much vaunted heating and ventilating system of the new police headquarters the windows of Wycliffe 's office were almost obscured by condensation and the air had a clammy warmth which reminded him of the tropical house at Kew .
7 Crime and tort relate closely as well , not only obviously by virtue of the same facts giving rise to different legal consequences but also , more interestingly , since the corning into effect of s. 35 of the Powers of the Criminal Courts Act 1973 , by virtue of the criminal courts pre-empting the civil courts in the matter of compensation , perhaps even in circumstances where no private right of action otherwise obtains .
8 No one asked that question , they simply focused upon er the , the communist insurrection in the south and the American , American commitment to the global containment of communism meant that they had to go and do something about it and domestic political pressures were there too er President Kennedy came out of the Cuban missiles crisis a hero because his people mistakenly believed that he 'd won a foreign policy success and that he 'd acted in a restrained and statesmanlike manor .
9 In a recent case involving a driver of a heavy goods vehicle an oral promise was made by one of the driver 's managers that the driver , a Mr Rump , would not be required to work anywhere in the UK , as mentioned in his contract of employment , but only in the south of England because of special family ties .
10 Throughout the new Sciences provision the emphasis is on the development of scientific attitudes and the vocational applications of science .
11 In each location they negotiated with the social services department an agreement that any continuing clients would be supported by the social services department , either with community services or with a place in institutional care .
12 The telegraph now allowed instantaneous communication with the farthest reaches o the empire , while the steamship brought everywhere in the world within a few weeks ' sail of home .
13 If we had stuck with the fair rates policy the vast majority of people in Britain might have been able to bear that price and public services would remain public services , not sacrificial lambs on the altar of the ideology of the Conservative party .
14 Under the 1950 Shops Act the council has a duty to prosecute shops which trade on a Sunday .
15 Under the Special powers Act the government has the full authority to act and has failed to do so .
16 Victor Hugo says there will be no revolution until the middle classes man the barricades er which they 're beginning to do now .
17 The Republicans are in the civil rights movement the same as they are in the trade unions .
18 In a few days time the nation will again pay lip service to the thousands killed in action during the Second World War , while preparing to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Battle of the Atlantic with a spectacular visit from a NATO fleet in May .
19 In a few years time the two German states could be virtually a single economic area .
20 In a few years time the fundholders may have very little room to manoeuvre but will still have to cope with the burden of administering their fund .
21 In the long run I think it will be a loss to the Government , for the very simple reason we have got to meet this competition and if we do n't in a few years time the housewife possibly will be paying a lot more money for the produce .
22 I , I shall be seeing the you know in a few weeks time the daughter she 's a , she 's er Rene that was erm Eddie , who were very big pals of mine and we go to the anniversary lunch together so we 're all over eighty but erm you could n't the bread shop , was another confectioner 's shop , and then turning round the corner you come to another shop , up two steps , which was and that was another type of confectionery and shop , then you get as far as the corn and seed people er they used to have a shop in Street as well , and then before the First World War there was the butchers and they sold foreign meat .
23 On Sept. 25 three gendarmes were arrested after 10 detainees had suffocated in an airless police cell the previous week .
24 After McGrath 's sudden departure Jack Henry Moore filled in , but with Moore 's commitment to the new Arts Lab a new editor had to be found .
25 She argued that if women were paid the same as men " it would result in many women being dismissed from many trades " , and also accepted without demur , when giving evidence to the Fair Wages Committee a few years later , the proposition that women were satisfied with less money because they were earning " pin money " if married , and " pocket money " if not.38 With such pessimism about equal pay entrenched in the mind of their organizers , with such low evaluation being set on their work , one might argue that it would have been surprising if a militant women 's union could really be organized in the prevailing atmosphere .
26 That draft er approved by the Social Affairs Council a week ago does not allow the flexibility for companies and their employees to determine working time arrangements at local plant level , but we do question the E E C's involvement in this area .
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