Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] men who " in BNC.

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1 Now 70 and barely able to look after himself he was easy prey for the two con men who called at his home .
2 Now 70 and barely able to look after himself he was easy prey for the two con men who called at his home .
3 I remember him chuckling when he told me about the big farm men who came to have their teeth extracted .
4 In December 1724 Wade reported that of the 22,000 fighting men who , he estimated , might be raised in the Highlands , 12,000 were active or potential Jacobites , some with hidden weapons , and that the best way to keep them in check was with independent companies of loyal Highlanders , under their own Whig but Gaelic-speaking officers .
5 However , besides the two Lochaber men who took 1st and 2nd places , there were other visitors from Ochil and Westerlands clubs , Menstries , and even North London .
6 The first type is casual encounters along the beat , so that neighbourhood police pass friendly comments with whoever they happen to meet , such as people working in front gardens , the unemployed , customers in shops , old folks trying to cross busy roads , mothers with young children in push-chairs and prams , young children being especially appealing to the older family men who seem to predominate in the Neighbourhood Unit , only one of whom is not married .
7 On the Unionist side men who had been fed with the heady talk of absolute resistance mobilized to resist what they now saw as the sell-out of the Southern Irish Unionists .
8 This was not very difficult ; the Spanish still did not recognize other colonies in the Caribbean and the old rule of ‘ no peace beyond the line ’ went on , so that West Indian governments could still recruit on an official basis men who were committed to fighting against the Spanish whether the governments thought they were at war or not .
9 Is my right hon. and learned Friend aware that , among the many business men who have condemned the payroll tax as likely to cost companies money and , therefore , jobs , is the president of the chamber of trade in Teesside ?
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