Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj] [noun] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 King Kong plunging to his death from a great height and the real death of a bird in the sky , events dramatic enough for the whirring imagination of a seven year old to cope with .
2 The two women jumped out and sprinted for the front door of the cottage , Donna struggling with the key .
3 Video-recording can make use of tape , film or discs for the actual storage of the recorded material .
4 In NVOCC practice , the vessel is operated by a shipping company ; but vessel space is either ‘ sold ’ or leased to a freight forwarder or other intermediary who acts as a contractual ‘ common carrier ’ for the actual shipper of the goods .
5 In my view , the requirement at issue as it is worded does not in itself rule this out : it is the vessel which has to be operated from within the United Kingdom and it is its use , that is to say the operations of the vessel , which must be directed and controlled from the United Kingdom ; this does not prevent the onshore unit responsible for the actual management of the vessel ( whether it be in the form of a subsidiary , a branch , an agency or an administrative unit ) from being subject to the general control of the natural or legal person who set it up .
6 The Puffin Dive Centre at Glenshellach , Oban , is responsible for the actual building of the trail .
7 So what guidance can I give for the actual writing of the crime short story ?
8 For the actual conquest of the elusive Mort Homme , none other than the elder brother of the Commander-in-Chief had been selected ; General of the Cavalry , Eugene von Falkenhayn , commander of the XXII Reserve Corps , and childhood tutor to the Crown Prince .
9 Er , yes , it 's a requirement for the actual length of the contract on us in the first place but the second point is that , in the tender documents , we 've actually asked all the contractors to price all the different permutations , whether it 's seven cuts , eleven cuts , hundred millimetres or a hundred and fifty millimetres .
10 Particularly opposed by the dissident RPR factions were proposals for the dilution of the traditional role of the party leader by establishing a confederation with other pro-Gaullist groups outside the RPR ( including dissidents ) , for the formation of a joint shadow cabinet with centrist and right-wing parties including the Union for French Democracy ( UDF ) , and the proposal by another Renovator , Michel Noir , a potential presidential candidate , for the actual merger of the RPR with other elements of the opposition into a single party .
11 The lens , which is really only part of a compound lens system , is responsible for the variable part of the focusing .
12 Soundless except for the dull crack of the axe against bone .
13 Be that as it may , there were still those in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries who still continued to look on Siberia as an exploited colony whose population and resources were recklessly plundered and despoiled by the central government , whose merchantry continued to suffer under the ‘ economic yoke of Moscow ’ and the commercial interests of the centre , whose native peoples were many of them doomed to extinction , where such civil and political rights and modern judicial institutions as existed in tsarist Russia were largely denied to the population of Siberia , where the cultural and educational infrastructure was inadequate for the region 's needs , and which was still used as a distant dumping ground for the criminal sweepings of the rest of the empire .
14 The admiration which churchmen such as Cardinal Arthur Hinsley and Bishop G. K. A. Bell of Chichester [ qq.v. ] had for Dawson involved him actively as vice-president in the Sword of the Spirit , a proto-ecumenical movement which , to his disappointment , proved to be too visionary for the Roman authorities of the time .
15 Even as a match for the Tatar warriors of the Crimea , who were similarly equipped , their value declined when in the 1630s and 1640s a strong line of fortifications was built in the south .
16 I left a note for Threfall saying , ‘ I have bought myself a ticket and gone to Chicago to apologise to Binks for the ill-mannered attitude of the Pye Group management ! ’
17 ( 3 ) For the quarterly meetings of a licensing board , see s.4(1). 5.13(2) enables a hoard , if it thinks fit , to adjourn an application where there has been a failure to comply with the requirements of the Act , or where an applicant has died .
18 For an atom with many electrons , we can still use the one-electron atom wave-functions as approximate descriptions of the behavior of the electrons , though we should modify the functions to account for the mutual repulsion of the electrons .
19 Where a public examination is adjourned generally , the official receiver may , there and then , make application under 5 279(3) for the automatic discharge of the bankrupt not to take place ( r6.176(4) ) .
20 This right of election ( which may be exercised by the beneficiaries of a deceased partner 's estate in the event that no personal representative has been appointed ) may be excluded by agreement , eg provision for the automatic accruer of the share of an outgoing partner or for the purchase of such share with interest until payment — see Vyse v Foster ( 1872 ) LR 8 Ch App 309 .
21 In particular , the project will study a method called the Holt-Winters procedure , and examine ways of choosing smoothing parameters and starting values for the automatic version of the procedure , as well as testing a non-automatic version which allows subjective adjustment in regard to such features as outliers .
22 The day after I finished working for the managing director of a certain company fighting off a take-over bid , the agency sent me to the rival company . ’
23 Again , the 1in roughing gouge does most of the work , followed by the half inch bowl gouge for the inside edge of the rim .
24 At one time in the recent past , willow-pattern plates and dishes were very popular , but did people buy them for the sad story of the elopement they depicted , or only because they were fashionable at the time ?
25 With noble , fine-boned features that have brought comparisons with Audrey Hepburn , she could have gone to Hollywood but has chosen British projects which she feels mean something — though she has routinely worked for the mere promise of a salary at some future point when the films make money .
26 The Vespa was a handy transport for the mere quarter of a mile involved .
27 It is against natural justice for the mere existence of a bid to be the basis for judgment , rather than the quality of the bid .
28 It is responsible for the final determination of policy to be submitted to Parliament , for the supreme control of the national executive in accordance with the policy prescribed by Parliament , and for the continuous coordination and delimitation of the interests of the several departments of state .
29 As far as I can discover , except for the rough translation of a poem by Watcyn Wyn in his Wales ( 1905 ) , there is no further mention of verse of any kind in Edward Thomas 's letters after this Long Vacation .
30 It was tempting to think that he might live down there for ever , occasionally emerging to dodge through the empty quiet streets ; watching for the armed patrols of the faceless men in black .
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